The trainees also go to college one day a week where they study other characteristics of the football industry such as pitch maintenance and office administration.
Parents who make more money are also better able to provide for their children's education, increasing the likelihood that they will go to college and get good jobs.
Some would-be applicants are also ashamed of telling people that they were planning to go to a two-year college instead of a four-year university.
But if you ask them, they will say that if they had had the chance, they would also have chosen to go to college, for college education never contradicts success.
Paul Graham :As well as mattering less whether students get degrees, it will also start to matter less where they go to college.
阮一峰的译文 :除了学位的重要性变得越来越低,你上的是哪一所大学也将变得越来越不重要。
Paul Graham :As well as mattering less whether students get degrees, it will also start to matter less where they go to college.
阮一峰的译文 :除了学位的重要性变得越来越低,你上的是哪一所大学也将变得越来越不重要。