They are fundamentally incapable of performing normal operating system tasks.
The wonderful thing about the Academy Awards is that they are fundamentally trivial.
Fundamentally, these paradigms can be (and are) built on top of a substrate of threads and locks, but they create higher level abstractions that push much of that complexity down.
Fundamentally they are not interested in those whom for the moment they think they love; they are interested only in the stimulus to their owe activities, perhaps of a quite impersonal sort.
Or is it just because I don't want to confront the fact that people are the way they are, which is to say fundamentally self-interested?
Online companies like Expedia (EXPE), Priceline (PCLN) and even CTrip (CTRP) are primarily offline agency models that went online without fundamentally changing how they approach the business.
Priceline (PCLN),甚至携程(Ctrip)等网站都主要采取线下旅行社模式,上网没有对他们的业务经营方式产生根本性的改变。
Judging restaurants is a fundamentally subjective activity but they realise when they are being lobbied and should take this into account.
The plan by the European Commission aims to fundamentally change how agricultural subsidies are handed out - and to give farmers more flexibility on what crops and how much they can grow.
The selflessness of our service members is unmatched, and they remind us that there are few things more fundamentally American than doing our utmost to make a difference in the lives of others.
Because these different forms of electromagnetic radiation - on this "simplistic" level - are fundamentally so similar, they are today commonly viewed as composing a single spectrum.
Although these requirements are fundamentally sound, they also apply at lesser speeds.
In other words, envy and resentment are not going away and they also do not stem fundamentally from the contrast between ordinary lives and the lives of the very wealthy.
While the specific scripts differ for each, depending on the syntax of their respective languages, you can see how they both are fundamentally doing the same thing.
Fundamentally, schools are destructive because they undermine the process of thinking and learning.
RM: Yes, but they are different fundamentally.
Insurance companies are fundamentally different than firms in most other industries in that they are in the business of attracting risk as opposed to shedding risk.
Well, the first part of the answer we've seen already: buckets are more than just data: they are an abstraction that unifies fundamentally different types of data.
Chemicals are powerful because they can fundamentally alter metals to leave them vulnerable to many other attacks.
It is of symbiosis and the same as the Qi in universe, which is like the water in barrel and river, fundamentally they are the same but different in location.
Although complex Numbers are fundamentally disconnected from our reality, they can be used to solve science and engineering problems in two ways.
The forms of mass pop culture that derive from the animation and comics industries are growing every day; fundamentally, they are rooted in the simple enjoyment of life.
Through more sophisticated system, these tendencies can be mitigated and masked, but they are difficult to be fundamentally solved.
Mobile phones are fundamentally changing the way people work. They are also giving the individual more autonomy and charging society with a rush of information.
Mobile phones are fundamentally changing the way people work. They are also giving the individual more autonomy and charging society with a rush of information.