Saleswoman: Yes, the shoes on that shelf are on sale now. They are much cheaper.
We should buy return tickets because they are much cheaper than getting two singles.
Tom runs a pre- loved clothing shop. The dresses he sells are all designer clothes, but they are much cheaper than they would be if they were new.
Remember that the Guardian Cannon is also affect and so when used correctly the Guardian Cannon can do more damage than the Sonic Emitter and they are much cheaper and consume far less power.
They offer up-to-the-minute styles but are much cheaper than big-name brands.
More recently, falling prices have been taken as a signal to flee, even though shares are much cheaper than they were not so long ago.
Sensors are getting ever cheaper, but for many applications they are still much too expensive.
Even American companies such as Walmart cannot afford to buy goods made in the U.S. when they are made so much more efficiently - and of course, so much cheaper - abroad.
Computers are much cheaper nowadays than they once were.
The only difference is that they don't buy those clothes they like - only later: after copying the crucial information, they buy them from online stores where the same items are often much cheaper.
And share the service fee is also a very good choice, total carriage to pull things are much cheaper than they are.
To treat myself and my daughter, I buy non-packaged cakes, which are much cheaper than their luxury equivalents. They also taste very delicious.
Montreal's best restaurants are the equals of their south-of-the-border compatriots in every way, yet they are as much as 20% to 30% cheaper.
蒙特利尔的最好的餐馆是等于他们的南- - -边境同胞以各种方式,但他们是高达20 %至30 %,较便宜。
They are more neutral than the expensive plastic ones and of course much cheaper.
Compared to traditional sensors, these kinds of sensors have limited computational and processing ability, and they are much smaller and cheaper.
They are as much as 40% cheaper to assemble, test and launch than rival American models.
They are as much as 40% cheaper to assemble, test and launch than rival American models.