They love one another, and your consent to their marriage is all they need to make them perfectly happy.
They love labour and help one another.
As Harville Hendrix, best-selling author of Getting the Love You Want might say, they find someone committed to staying conscious of the old patterns and they jointly work to heal one another.
But Ole and Trufa believed the answer lay in the great love they bore one another.
In rejecting the lives of our mothers, we found ourselves looking for stray volts of mother-love in the very places they would never be found: gin, men, the college, our own mothers, and one another.
They will be beautiful Amerasian children and a true expression of our love for one another.
There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not "harder" or "bigger" than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.
The husband and wife have been at each other's throats so long that they have forgotten how much they used to love one another.
They affect one another, playing a symphony of romantic and sad love story, endless emotions and deep inspiration remaining in the readers' minds.
They seem to love one another very much.
Let bride and bridegroom in the presence of the heavenly universe pledge themselves to love one another as God has ordained they should.
For one reason or another, they get to know each other, fall in love and build a family. Be it heavenly or human, the arrangement is a welcome one.
That game was terrific! I love watching Chicago and New York play against one another because they play so hard. For the final play, the crowd went crazy because the last shot was so sweet.
However, the more they get to know one another, the better each individual in this Cancer-Libra love match will recognize and respect positive qualities in the other.
Who knows the reason one leaf falls and another remains? But Ole and Trufa believed the answer lay in the great love they bore one another.
Though they were from opposite sides of the tracks, their love for one another seemed to defy the realities of life in the small town of Oriental, North Carolina.
Though they were from opposite sides of the tracks, their love for one another seemed to defy the realities of life in the small town of Oriental, North Carolina.