Parakeets living wild in Britain could be culled because they pose a threat to native wildlife and are damaging food crops.
Not only are illegal enterprises collaborating, but they pose a threat that persists over time, with ability to launch new attacks in the future.
Hundreds of midsize asteroids near Earth are discovered every year, but at this rate, it would take decades to locate all of them and see if they pose a threat.
They pose a serious threat to security.
The surge in world grain prices in 2007 and 2008—and the threat they pose to food security—has a different, more troubling quality than the increases of the past.
Jews say that "the Arabs" pose a security threat because they could fire mortars at planes landing at Ben Gurion airport nearby.
Moreover, even if they grow no more, the mortgage giants pose a clear systemic threat.
Business is particularly reluctant to take preventive measures against unlikely disasters because they do not pose a serious near-term threat.
Women can tell from other women's voices how much of a threat they pose to their relationships, anthropologists have claimed.
Other countries will relax if they are reassured that China does not pose a threat. Unfortunately, the charm offensive has not altogether worked.
Traffic delays, work deadlines and other everyday hassles aren't likely to pose a threat to unborn babies, researchers say, and pregnant women who feel they are coping well tend to do just fine.
Women can tell from other women's voices how much of a threat they pose to their relationships, anthropologists have claimed。
You also just spoke out against app stores and how they pose a big threat to Internet freedom.
In each case, he notes, they did not drain enough trading from established exchanges to pose a big threat.
They are likely to stay that way — although white-collar unemployment could pose a threat of social unrest.
Apollo asteroids pose a threat to our planet as they routinely cross Earth's orbit.
The book, the King's Torah, says non-Jews including babies could be preemptively killed if they are deemed to pose a threat to Israel.
这本名为King ' sTorah的书籍称,包括婴儿在内的非犹太人如果对以色列造成威胁,犹太人应该先发制人,将他们杀死。
In other words, QR codes make things run faster and easier, but they can also pose a threat to your mobile security.
You're not gonna feel it. And they don't pose a threat.
Now they no longer pose a threat to another, Trincomalee.
However they are sometimes captured in the wild to be sold as pets. This does not seem to pose a serious threat to this species at this time.
The FDA wants to ban electronic cigarettes, claiming that they have not been adequately tested and therefore pose a threat to the American public.
The FDA wants to ban electronic cigarettes, claiming that they have not been adequately tested and therefore pose a threat to the American public.