If anyone doubts my ability to handle this, they should say so.
So far, very few foreign aid workers have been allowed in, and supply shipments have been a small fraction of what disaster experts say they should be.
So they say you should start like a Turkey and finish like an Englishman.
If so, they are merely trying to win an argument, and there's no reason why scientists - who are interested in truth, not just winning arguments-should pay any attention to what they say.
The Stockholders are our investors. They own the capital in our company, so they should have say about what is done with the company.
The question is whether new, robot-specific safety rules and regulations are needed-and, if so, what they should say.
My view is that everyone should be free to say whatever they want. I have never asked for a comment to be removed, nor will I do so.
Investors say the financial products were so complex that they should never have been offered to individuals not savvy enough to understand them.
The reason why so many guys struggle with the first call, is simply because they don't know what to do, they don't know what to say, they don't know what the structure should be on the phone.
The reason why so many guys struggle with the first call, is simply because they don’t know what to do, they don’t know what to say, they don’t know what the structure should be on the phone.
The question is whether new, robot-specific rules are needed—and, if so, what they should say.
So, should anyone say to you: "psychology is just common sense", try asking them if they agree with a couple of the above six statements.
And they should also watch because I say so.
So, they say that people should do more exercise and eat less junk food.
But right now, maybe they say, Oh, maybe we should be looking around tennis. So I think even we do more.
So, when they ask you questions about which person should be on the quiz show, people say the more competent person.
If they want tall or elite people, they should have say so on the application form.
Well, you know what they say: "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link." So, I think we should get rid of him.
Because they have already achieved a certain level of equality and material success, the assumption, many say, is that women should sacrifice only so much in pursuit of their careers.
They should have longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and say, I should like to have been an archeologist.
Thirdly , they should introduce Chinese culture and history to foreigners so that they may know china better, and they should never say or do anything that harms the image of our motherland.
So if models have been less than, say, 10 percent off in the past, they should be less than 10 percent off in the future.
You know those guys who three days before they dump you say, "You make me so happy" or "We should get our own place together, " right?
But they say their findings suggest that supplements should only be used if there is a strong medically based cause for doing so because of the potential to cause harm.
There are TV ads now running that in effect say, "China will not allow us to buy one of their mines, so why should they be allowed to buy ours?"
When we say that so-and-so has a right tox, we are really saying nothing more than that they should have x.
When we say that so-and-so has a right tox, we are really saying nothing more than that they should have x.