Because their local replicas contain all the data they need to get their work done, they can review or enter orders while sitting in the customer's office without needing to dial in.
This flexibility allows developers to work on an airplane, and make commit after commit, just as easily as if they were working in the office.
Other businesses are redesigning work such that incentives and rewards are aligned with the results that an employee delivers — not the hours that they show their faces in the office, Galinsky says.
They were willing to work around the clock, sleep in the office and battle each other over strategy and technical decisions.
As more people work longer hours in the office, they have less time to hit the gym for some desperately needed exercise.
Women can don the slipper-like footwear to hike or drive to the office in comfort, then switch back to their high heels when they arrive at work.
Now there's a new legal menace: scorned workers who claim that an office affair fostered an invidious work environment, even if they weren't actually involved in the romance themselves.
Out of such reason, they have to work in the office for long time to compete with others.
No matter what part of the company they work in, my friends at Microsoft know their paycheck comes every week, thanks to product sales of Windows and Office.
And no matter what product they work in, whether it's set-top boxes or mobile phones, their objectives are overwhelmed by the need to sell more copies of Windows and Office.
And they do this at work: According to arecent Pew study, more than 50% of office workers in the US use emailand messaging services for private communications.
And compressed working week so that they can work fewer days in the office.
Our hope is that the new Congress begins work on this as soon as they take office in January , because we don't have time to waste.
They strategized in borrowed office space and recruited people from other tech companies to work on the project at night, promising full-time salaries as soon as they raised venture capital.
And they work in the same office building.
This is where interacting with different people in the office can work to your benefit - they can vouch for your hard work.
They were at work in the office that afternoon when a big fire broke out.
Harry looked back at the dozen pamphlet-makers: Though they were intent upon their work, he could hardly suppose that they would not notice if the door of an empty office opened in front of them.
Michael are good friends, and they work in the same office building.
In this way they can keep their business affairs private, and can arrange for the arbitration to take place at a convenient time and place, e. g., in the evening after work, in an office building.
People work in the office all the daytime, so they want to purchase in the fastest time, that's why more and more people choose supermarket.
Stephen and Michael are good friends, and they work in the same office building.
It comes from the information technology industry... there isn't such a large division between home and office, so people want to work in the clothes they feel more relaxed in.
So many people work in the office and don't have the time to exercise, so they get sick easily.
The visits themselves are designed to be as non-disruptive in nature as possible. They typically last one to two hours in your own office or home. We watch, we listen, and we learn while you work.
The visits themselves are designed to be as non-disruptive in nature as possible. They typically last one to two hours in your own office or home. We watch, we listen, and we learn while you work.