Those components provide a thin wrapper on top of standard HTML.
Think of commands as a thin wrapper around business logic.
A stateless session performs even better than the previous approach, because it is a thin wrapper over JDBC and is able to bypass many of the operations required by the regular session.
If you look into JAXM, you will find that it is a thin wrapper around an HTTP library.
The AuthorizationManager interface and implementation is, as noted in Part 1, a thin wrapper for your ACL permit method, specialized for two purposes.
This implementation is based on a thin Service Wrapper Web service (e.g. a JSR 181 4 implementation) that wraps calls to the target Service.
它是基于一个轻量级的服务包装器(Service Wrapper)Webservice(比如,JSR 181规范4的实现)而实现的,通过它可以调用目标服务(target Service)。
The skull consists entirely of thin bone, rounded in shape, and contained within a wrapper of fleshless skin.
The skull consists entirely of thin bone, rounded in shape, and contained within a wrapper of fleshless skin.