The Jack PC from Chip PC Technologies offers a neat and novel thin-client desktop computing solution where the computer doesn't just plug into the wall, it is the plug in the wall.
This article describes how to use the Linux operating system to repurpose an older but functional computer system, giving it a new life as a server, a media player, or a thin client.
Rather than consigning an old computer to the e-waste scrap heap, give it a new, inexpensive hard disk—or just boot from a CD or a USB flash drive (UFD)—and re-purpose the computer as a thin client.
不必将旧的计算机扔到到电子污染废品站,而是为它提供全新的、便宜的硬盘 —或从CD 或USBflash驱动(UFD)启动 —并将计算机重新配置为瘦客户机。
By keeping the integration as thin as possible, a plugin crash will not take down the OnCast CIL services running on a client computer.
Thin client (computing) : a server-centric computing model in which the application software, data, and CPU power resides on a network server rather than on the client computer.
Thin client (computing) : a server-centric computing model in which the application software, data, and CPU power resides on a network server rather than on the client computer.