So now, as a new electronic gadget hits the market, I can think, 'Holy cow! What a great idea!' and still maintain some level of sanity when it comes time to actually shop for something.
Before you go, remember that whenever you are launching a new product, starting a new project, or even selling a new idea, it's extremely important to think of a great title for the baby.
The idea of internal monologue is hardly new - think of any ballad in a Broadway musical.
We think we need a lot of extra money or time or some kind of brilliant new idea before we can ever hope to start something great.
Nobody has any idea of what a new invention will really be good for. To evaluate don't think, try.
I think it is a good idea to use alcohol as a new kind of car fuel to replace gas.
I 'ma new player, I got a sword I think it's probably pretty nice, I can go on an auction house and search for it or similar swords and get an idea of how much it should sell for.
This is really, actually, a new idea for a lot of us, like for people who are on the line doing real jobs, so what kind of leadership and management skills do you think they need to develop?
I think it's a great idea. Studying abroad will offer you plenty of new opportunities. Are you planning on going abroad?
I think it's a great idea. Studying abroad will offer you plenty of new opportunities. Are you planning on going abroad?