Also interesting to note is how SCA came about as a co-opetition effort first and then moved to a standards body, a sign, I think, of the growing maturity of the industry overall.
同时有件非常有趣的事情必须被注意到,SCA首先是作为合作与竞争(co - opetition)的产物出现,然后被移交到标准团体,我认为它是整个行业走向成熟的一个标志。
Note: Veeker has an interesting analysis about what they think made the citizen journalism efforts of NBC San Diego so successful on their blog.
Whenever you think of someone, or spend time with someone, and feel a desire to spend more time with them in the future, make note of it.
Note: As you'll discover later in the article, one of the keys to configuring and maintaining a secure server is to only install what you think you're going to need.
Of one correspondent, non-productive though enjoying a lavish retainer, he once remarked: "I think perhaps if we do not hear from him next year, we should send him a note."
But eventually you have this bearer note that you start passing around to spend to other people and they start to think of them as money and that's the origin of banking.
Note that there are a handful of different options to choose from, including Vary the think time by a random percentage.
注意这里有几个不同的选项,其中包含Varythethinktimebyarandom percentage。
If you think you've already spent too many hours of your life creating tunnel effects, move onto chapter 3, but skim chapter 2 to make a note of the dimensions used.
Note that the difference between a platform-specific model and code is merely a difference of degree (think of a programming language as a platform-specific model for its object code).
Let me strike a note of hopefulness; this job will not be as hard as you think.
She began to think the world was taking note of her.
To this end, I think optimizing market bonds should take note of these issues.
I write this note today because your going away is much upon my mind, and because I want you to have a few parting words from me to think of now and then at quiet times.
Mom recognized "Beside the Plum Tree" from the first note, which I think says something about her and her appreciation of good music, whatever the language.
"I think it's more of a clogging of the system and introducing another note of uncertainty," Ross said at the Reuters Restructuring Summit in New York.
Think about these revered sea creatures from the movies, and take note of what they've become.
Well, then think, for most speech is a mere issue of our feelings, a mere explosion. Listen, note the way that you make these outbursts.
The Italians note some of them, such as a man would little think.
I think he's dimming, "said the Castellan, a note of concern in his voice."
As the same time I think its important to note that humans are capable of far more than they usually achieve. Most of us could speak several languages if we wanted or had time to study.
Of note - everything wrote super smooth on this paper. I think it would be excellent for drawing & doodling with markers.
Use a calendar, note-taking app, dictionary, and every other app you can think of with the English-based interface.
More, see the contents of a note of significance could be a turning point, I think it is compulsory!
When I opened the door and came, I taked note of a burning stub, so I think someone was in our room just now.
When I opened the door and came, I taked note of a burning stub, so I think someone was in our room just now.