A brand new automobile braking device jumps out of the thinking set that automobiles can be braked only by tyres.
Thinking set of investigation exists positive value and negative character, therefor we should develop the useful and discard the useless.
Indeed, while too often the doctrine that had been followed was 'faster is better, ' we're now likely to increasingly see such thinking set aside in favour of 'better is faster.
It must be pointed out that this "biological identity" is only a matter of fact the mainstream of thinking set in the real interests of the game, it will often be abandoned, or the use of reverse.
They take up a teeny bit, but when we're thinking about the set up of the atom, we don't have to account for them as using up a lot of the mass.
These habits have helped companies earn billions of dollars when customers eat snacks or wipe counters almost without thinking, often in response to a carefully designed set of daily cues.
Set aside fifteen minutes a day to help make good thinking and happy, satisfied feelings a way of life.
We may have a brain that, like a Kauffman machine, is able to generate all types of thinking and never-seen-before complexity from a small finite set of instructions.
Yes, we hear about this all the time and and it does set us thinking as to who are better drivers?
This is merely a set of practices based on Lean-Thinking - or Lean Science as I sometimes call it.
Senior Tories told the Guardian that Cameron would set out his thinking in the coming weeks.
When you've set your mind on getting a girlfriend, you're already thinking with the end in mind.
The thinking task you set has to have just the right level of challenge for the particular audience you’re speaking to.
All it requires is thinking of problems though a different set of eyes, or different dimension.
Firstly, we need to set our mind thinking while reading and should not just read without understanding what we are reading.
A consistent set of principles that underpins Barack Obama's thinking on the American economy.
At the moment Cox and his partner Andrew Cohen are thinking about how to pare back on visually spectacular set pieces while still satisfying the widescreen and Blu-ray audience.
考克斯和他的搭档安德鲁·科恩(Andrew Cohen)正在考虑如何在维持宽屏和蓝光效果的同时,削减视觉特效方面的开支。
Keeps you from achieving your goals (because thinking is not doing and unless you set realistic goals to complement your optimistic dreams then you will never move anywhere).
Her question set me off thinking.
He set himself the goal of building a thinking machine in ten years.
These fishwife vehicles, in which one feels one knows not what shadows, set the philosopher to thinking.
The relationship between the cave and the house, it seems to me, is a particularly interesting way of thinking about the relationship between language as a set of differentials and language as speech.
A reduced ability to filter and set priorities, the scientists concluded, could contribute to original thinking.
Her words set the lawyer off thinking a while.
This is the mind-set behind some shifts in thinking about the role of traditional medicine in this region, as set out in the draft regional strategy for traditional medicine.
If you were thinking of starting a set-top box company that delivers video content to the TV, let me stop you right there.
If you were thinking of starting a set-top box company that delivers video content to the TV, let me stop you right there.