His skin is thinning, his hair grows slowly and he suffers from the physical problems of a pensioner.
The most common types arise in the epidermis (outer skin layer) and have become more frequent with the thinning of the atmosphere's ozone layer.
Dermatologists have long noted that the skin of acne patients seems to age more slowly, with wrinkles and thinning appearing much later.
It is best to use the lowest effective strength as using high strength topical steroids for periods of time can cause side effects such as thinning of the skin.
These drugs may have serious side effects, including weight gain, thinning of the skin and bones, and decreased defense against infection.
Because the carbon dioxide allows the ozone layer (ie, the umbrella of the earth) gradually thinning to increase the sun's radiation stabbed to our skin, so we start protecting the planet from now.
Because the carbon dioxide allows the ozone layer (ie, the umbrella of the earth) gradually thinning to increase the sun's radiation stabbed to our skin, so we start protecting the planet from now.