It can reduce thinning rate greatly, ensure precision of key dimensions, reduce the mold test times and improve the efficiency.
This paper introduces a method to controll a superplastic bulging by a gas-pressure and a height curve. This method can significantly reduce the thinning rate and unevenness of bulging material.
Not only are the mountain's glaciers retreating at an unprecedented rate, but its remaining ice is thinning.
The results show that HDPE/MMT nano-composite and HDPE belong to pseudoplastic fluid and present, shear thinning behaviors within the range of shear stress, shear rate and temperature.
As the non-newtonian shear rate increasing, the melt viscosity of the PP and their blends were decreased, and behave shear thinning, show the Pseudo-plastic fluid features.
As the non-newtonian shear rate increasing, the melt viscosity of the PA6 and their blends were decreased, and behave shear thinning, show the Pseudo-plastic fluid features.
随着非牛顿剪切速率的增加,PA 6及其共混物的熔体粘度明显下降,表现出剪切变稀现象,呈现假塑性流体的流动特征。
The polymer solution was manifested to show the property of shear thinning at low flow rate and shear thickening if the flow rate exceeded a point.
The result shows that the rheology property of paints present a shear-thinning effect, and the shearing stress and shear rate can be expressed in a modified power-law equation.
As the length of mandrel extension increases, the trend of thinning-rate change can be failed into three stages, namely linear decrease stage, transitional stage and nonlinear increase stage.
Using of the excellent FAC-resistant piping materials can effectively reduce the rate of wall-thinning, as a result, it has been widely used in design or later design alteration.
Using of the excellent FAC-resistant piping materials can effectively reduce the rate of wall-thinning, as a result, it has been widely used in design or later design alteration.