And you also have a small child please take this as a warning.
When a mother hen makes a loud noise or crouches down, all her chicks understand this as a warning of danger.
If you are an owner of a dog that belongs to a 'dangerous breed' category and you also have a child or a visiting small child please take this as a warning.
Other areas of agricultural land valuation can be carried out this as a warning, and for agricultural land evaluation system to explore the establishment of a certain significance.
As for red, it is the color which usually shows warning, as a result, some traffic signs use this color.
This data could serve as a warning system and also as a personal base upon which to diagnosis illness and to prescribe medicines.
Therefore, this preview does not only serve as a warning as to whether the refactoring should be performed at all.
As this result came with the benefit of hindsight, the researchers tried to come up with a real-time measure that could potentially provide an early warning sign of an outbreak as it began to spread.
As this script executes, you may see a combination of new ij> prompts, commands, and warning or error messages.
You will see a warning on the mex: Location element as this not part of the schema.
This should not be viewed as a threat, but as a warning.
The need for that was reinforced this week by a warning from Fitch, a credit-rating agency, that Britain was the big economy most at risk of losing its prized triple-A status as a sovereign borrower.
He explained that out of millions of fossils found all over the world, this is the first discovery of its kind and should serve as a warning to other palaeontologists.
This seemed fair, as he was the type of man who required a warning.
In a statement, Microsoft said this new sentence would serve as a warning to counterfeiters of software products.
Still, the market isn't hospitable to all IPOs this year, which serves as a warning to weaker wannabes: 14 of 36 completed offerings are trading at less than the offering price.
This blunt assertion of firepower may have served as a warning to Iran as well as an object lesson to Saudi Arabia's own restive Shia minority of 10%.
A warning light has flashed through the Chinese people's health condition. This may not be simply interpreted as "health deficit", but caused by more complicated social and economic factors.
Though charming and colorful, this aptly named fish’s displays are meant as a warning.
She decided to use it as a warning before she got to the stage of shouting or crying and agreed to sit down and talk this through with them.
This way you can create and maintain one plug-in, register it as a single plug-in with Nagios, and pass arguments to customize the warning and critical levels to specific circumstances.
通过这种方式,您可以创建和维护一个插件,使用 Nagios 将其注册为单个插件,并且传递参数以便为特定的情况自定义警告和危险水平。
They regarded this sudden calamity as a direct warning of Heaven and asked the King of Persia to let them stay where they were.
WARNING: As these are a general configuration changes, this must be done in accordance with the client and the steps must be implemented by the client's Novell Administrators.
All officials from the chancelleries that he had created and all of the officers were obliged to attend this torture scene as a way of warning them that, "You'd better not mess around."
So we don't listen to method with greedy delusion as slow, trouble heart to hear very clear, this is a warning of the past sages.
Give yourself a chocolate facial: Warning! This is very addicted. Licking is definitely allowed as long as no one is looking.
Give yourself a chocolate facial: Warning! This is very addicted. Licking is definitely allowed as long as no one is looking.