Do not stay up late. Some people love to play cell phones games or reading electronic-books before sleep, this can be bad for the health.
Changes in Fashion means that Tesco needs to change their products this can be bad but it can also be good depending on how fast it is seen. This also relates to trends.
The team has a good spirit, a good mentality, a good attitude and that will come out longer term. We have had a bad start but I believe we can bounce back and be very strong this season.
The rapidly escalating cost of rebuilding this ship can also be seen as an admission of the ship's bad condition after this long period of neglect.
It can be made fun and it can be made rigorous at the same time (Ben Goldacre's excellent book "Bad Science" is a model of good practice in this respect).
But this poll proves that men aren't as bad as women, they're worse! Men just love a bit of scandal, and will do anything they can to be centre of attention with their colleagues and peers.
This can potentially be very bad, as some legitimate messages are important, even urgent, in nature, and even those that are merely conversational are ones we do not want to lose.
This made the man feel bad. So he was relieved to read in my book “You Just Don’t Understand” (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.
这件事让他觉得很不好受,所以当他读我的书《你就是不懂:男人与女人的交谈》(百龄坛出版 1990),里面有一句话,“一起做一件事本身就是一种安慰,一种表示关切的方式”,他释怀了。
To make use information this useful, the data must connect to a system, like an ERP system, or a person that can determine if that is good or bad, or if additional action needs to be taken.
All this falls short of civil war, but the effects can be as bad.
The fundamentals behind CSS and layout engines make this difficult to avoid, which can be good or bad, depending on the desired effect.
As Gadamer says, this is the characteristic idea of the Enlightenment: its prejudice against prejudice, that we can be objective, Okay, fine. But prejudice is bad, we know prejudice is bad.
I share a few of them in this article so that you can be prepared for them or, perhaps, not feel too bad that you are experiencing them yourself - they are common.
This meant a task could be scheduled on any processor — which can be good for load balancing but bad for memory caches.
Initially, writing this code can be a little dreary, but it also has a real advantage in reliability: many mysterious problems instantly disappear if you immediately reject bad data.
This is not necessarily a bad thing, as “fresh” product can command a higher margin than old product, and can be more competitive in the battle for consumer dollars.
This can be good or bad, of course, but most experts say more leeway is needed.
In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort.
Vicky Oliver, author of "Bad Bosses, Crazy Co-Workers and Other Office Idiots," also cautions that your accomplishments can be downplayed if this information is public.
New York - This may come as no surprise to residents of New York City and other big urban centers: Living there can be bad for your mental health.
Why this is a mistake: Bad habits can be difficult to train out of a pet.
Doing this, however, is generally a bad practice: It requires the name to always be enclosed in double quotation marks and can easily confuse someone else who may be maintaining your code.
This can be good and bad, of course.
This is the kind of thing that empirical research could pick up on, once "good person", "typical person", and "bad person" can be operationalized.
如若“好人”、“坏人”、“普通人”都能实现 操作化 ,那就可以展开实证研究 了。
This is why so many people get stuck in a revolving-door cycle, as being alone can be so painful that people would rather be in a bad relationship.
I can figure this thing out, and it won't be that bad of a deal, '" Talbot recalls thinking."
Some of the super-rich will run for office, but this can be a bad idea.
This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your point of view.
And you know, they are concerned if they can be tracked as to what they’re doing, thinking about, this could possibly put them in the bad scenario, suggests Li.
And you know, they are concerned if they can be tracked as to what they’re doing, thinking about, this could possibly put them in the bad scenario, suggests Li.