Much of the implementation work on MagLev preceded the draft standard. At this point what would help us most would be a compatibility test kit which certifies standards compliance, similar to the JCK.
Submitting a positive SIR and accepting this offer of admission certifies that you understand and agree to comply with all of the conditions of this provisional admission contract.
The practice certifies that the iodine absorption substances can be decreased and the content of AmpiciUin Sodium can be increased by adopting this method.
Hereby certifies that this instrument has been tested in accordance with all relevant test procedures and that its safety and performance complies with the requirement as listed below.
By generating this signature, a CA certifies Chapter 2: Understanding PKI Building Blocks the validity and authenticity of the information in the fields.
生成这个签名,CA认证第2章:了解PK I构建模块领域的信息的有效性和真实性。
The undersigned hereby certifies that all the information furnished on this form is complete and accurate.
This endorsement certifies that the raw material used by KRONOSWISS sources from forests in Switzerland.
By accepting this Certificate Authority, you have told Netscape Communicator to connect to and receive information from any site that it certifies without warning you or prompting you.
The shipper certifies the shipment shown on this letter is not dangerous goods.
The paper then certifies this algorithm by infrared image processing.
By rejecting this Certificate Authority, you have told Netscape Communicator not to connect to and receive information from any site that it certifies without prompting you.
By rejecting this Certificate Authority, you have told Netscape Communicator not to connect to and receive information from any site that it certifies without prompting you.