This is more like it! Real food—not that canned muck.
This is more like it - where's the remote?
It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.
For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds (or more) then picture in your head what it will feel like once you achieve this.
This is a great way to write a script so that it is more like a UNIX command with switches or options.
No matter what it looks like in your physical vision, this empowered frequency is more available than ever before.
If this outfit was made of actual toilet paper, rather than just looking like it is, then she might have made more impact.
This Great Red Spot is still present in Jupiter's atmosphere, more than 300 years later. It is now known that it is a vast storm, spinning like a cyclone.
This is a blessing in that we can make developing an application on a range of environments much more like developing it on your laptop.
This scorecard, like the one in the tactical engagement, carries a vivid message except this time it is tied more quantitatively to the business objectives.
This is big news as Second Life, and other websites like it, become more popular.
It is things like this that can turn you from being a good English speaker to a more natural English speaker.
This is just what it sounds like, a board in the bottom of the shoe. Board lasts offer more support but are not real flexible.
The empty region, since no light ever penetrates it, is absolutely black-not more or less black, like the things to which we loosely ascribe this word, but utterly, completely and infinitely black.
However, all that rail (and distance) between city centers makes it seem like this is less a single mega-city and more like highly controlled urban sprawl.
He noted that a typo-correcting tool like this may be even more useful in a mobile browser than it is on a computer with a full-size keyboard.
If this feels like yet one more piece of fairly routine code, then you're right — it is!
So my postcard from Guangzhou would read like this: “Dear Mom and Dad, this place is so much more interesting than it looks from abroad.
This is a relaxed license that asks for little more than patent protection and attribution, making it suitable for integrating into build systems and the like.
This is a standard conversation, like the classic opening moves of a chess game, where what matters, much more than what one says (which is brief and obvious), is the tone in which one says it.
This has led some venture capitalists to argue that 2011 May be more like 1995 than 1999: if a bubble is inflating, it is a long way from popping.
Multi-site sign on, like what the companies are announcing today, will be more compelling when it can bring integration down to one or zero clicks, but this is certainly a step in the right direction.
The reason for this is two-fold. First and more significantly is the commercial support that comes from a brand like Microsoft which makes it more corporate friendly.
It's a little like a spaceship landed, there it is, and it's got this gorgeous courtyard in the middle, but a lot more.
The more you see something the more you like it and this is sometimes known as "the mere exposure effect."
This is a front vowel, which for me, means it feels like it comes more from here, eh, than from here, ah, father.
When I see how much more can be accomplished when an amazing tool like this takes away trivial coding tasks, it is hard to see how any professional could afford to avoid using a tool like Eclipse.
This is different; it looks more like the Groupon hybrid of commerce and advertising, lowball commerce as advertising.
This is different; it looks more like the Groupon hybrid of commerce and advertising, lowball commerce as advertising.