I must tell you all: this many a day all things have been taken away from me but that which I call more dear to me than my life: my conscience and my honour.
"Today is a day when we as a nation, along with our many friends around the world, mark with a heavy heart and great sadness this moment of unbearable loss for the many families involved," he said.
From the perspective of a single day, including this day of dedication, the issues and questions before our country are many.
Especially in those first few months of my youngest's life, I used this app many times a day.
This was a day when a young woman was taken to many people's hearts.
There are many benefits of reading books. Unfortunately, in this day and age, not a lot of people take the time to read them anymore.
"This town has become so lonesome at night, as many stores keep the lights off and close early," said Shin Fujii, who runs a Spanish restaurant where custom has slowed to just a few diners a day.
“夜市已经很萧条了,因为很多的商店很早便关灯打烊,”藤井说道。 藤井开的西班牙餐厅每天的客人已经变少了。
Early browsers were vulnerable to a number of spoofing tricks that could reveal personal information, and to this day many users disable cookies, or throw them out regularly.
早期的浏览器容易受到攻击,黑客可以通过许多欺骗技术盗取个人信息,这使许多用户禁用了cookie 或者定期删除 cookie。
Many are full of fear for the future of the prospects of our world but the message of the celebrations in this country and far beyond its shores is the right one -this is a joyful day!
Unbelievably, many nations still use a version of the head crusher to this very day as an interrogation tool.
To view man in this fragmentary way seemed to me so horrid, so absurd that I could not get rid of the impression of that dark, unmeaning leg for many a day.
This might not actually be true with continuous integration, as the builds are carried out many times a day.
Although many doctors tell patients to drink eight glasses of water a day, there is no scientific evidence to support this advice.
On this Memorial day, and every day, we bear a heavy burden of responsibility to uphold the founding principles so many died defending.
In fact, when several dozen elementary - and middle-school kids from the Detroit area used this exercise for 15 minutes a day, many showed significant gains on a widely used intelligence test.
The flip side of the coin is that if you’re having many good days in a row this is no guarantee that you’ll have a good day next.
Millions of the healthy young and middle aged seldom see a doctor, so this can only mean that many, especially in the older age group, must currently be taking a fistful of drugs every day.
I've been thinking about this a lot the past couple of weeks, because I've taken the opportunity, for the first time in many years, to play tennis nearly every day.
When I was a kid, I enjoyed writing tremendously, and it is one of my main passions to this day, but it took me many years to rediscover it.
I had a wonderful party and received many presents from my parents and friends. I really felt happy and will not forget this memorable day.
MOTHER's DAY, which this year falls on May 9th in many countries, is a time to give thanks and count blessings-not least for greeting-card companies.
This means that of the many things we experience, love is the most important. And Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate love.
And while she was freed from many day-to-day issues, all this newfound free time let Ardisana take a good look at the bigger picture of the business.
In Yiyang, a town of 360,000 in south-central China, electricity shortages are so severe this spring that many homes and businesses receive power only one day in three.
In Yiyang, a town of 360, 000 in south-central China, electricity shortages are so severe this spring that many homes and businesses receive power only one day in three.
In Yiyang, a town of 360, 000 in south-central China, electricity shortages are so severe this spring that many homes and businesses receive power only one day in three.