Determining fossil gender is a challenge, but the presence of the egg is strong evidence this individual was a mature female.
This year's survey turned up strong evidence that these advantages are translating into measurable business gains.
This is highly unusual and it provides strong evidence for the theory that the Fed is abandoning its support for gold shorts.
I think this is pretty strong evidence we're talking about a delay, and not an abnormal brain.
This study provides strong evidence that memory works through the reactivation of specific individual neurons in the hippocampus.
EMC's Hadoop strategy is actually quite unique, and its decision to embrace MapR is strong evidence of this.
"I think this is pretty strong evidence now for the hypothesis of a single migration [to Australia] and a common ancestor, " said Juergen Schmitz, one of the research team.
Based on this overall picture, the evidence is strong that the recent influenza pandemic patterns are transitioning towards seasonal patterns of influenza.
This is one line of evidence that it was very fiery on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada -- and there's a very strong relationship between drought and fire.
They believe this is strong evidence that the virus causes birth defects.
Scientists have obtained much strong evidence in this respect.
Keynes called this a liquidity trap, and I think there is strong evidence that we are in one right now.
Yet despite strong evidence, most people still do not know that alcohol increases risk of cancer, so it is clear we need to do more to get this message across.
But although most researchers agree that this parental conflict theory explains the origins of imprinting, there is still only strong circumstantial evidence that it is correct.
This paper also provides strong evidence in support of local protectionism.
This is further evidence of the company's strong brand and the strength in the market.
So, scientists would love to think water flows on Mars but the evidence isn't strong enough for this to be certain.
This study provides extremely strong evidence to suggest that most bowel cancers start from stem cells.
This was just a theory until quite recently, but two recent studies now provide strong evidence.
There is strong evidence to suggest that the incidence of AVN is higher in displaced compared to undisplaced intracapsular hip fractures. 1,12,16,18 This finding was confirmed in our study.
From a more global perspective, this is strong evidence that we need to study how any macromolecule behaves in a solution environment.
There is no strong evidence from this review that any topical therapy is effective for relieving the symptom of dry mouth.
We empirically examine this argument using data from the real estate industry during 2004 and 2008 and find strong evidence.
The latest observational results for this theory provided strong evidence.
The evidence which supports this is not sufficiently strong to allow us to consider it as anything more than a working hypothesis.
This is not the same as saying that the interventions studied are ineffective, but that there is insufficient strong evidence for any one intervention.
This is not the same as saying that the interventions studied are ineffective, but that there is insufficient strong evidence for any one intervention.