Many websites combine an attractive logo and strong color scheme to establish the brand's identity, without even telling you what they do. It doesn't have to be just color or a logo, though.
So if you have a strong corrective action programme you're likely running a safe plant even though you may have a lot of events.
But may you not grow too strong, though, so that you reject the help and love and caring of others who wish to be there for you.
If you make a mistake and only know to escape, or even refuse to confess your fault, though you are tall and strong, you are actually a coward!
Your hair is a lot thinner than before, though, so you don't need to use anything as strong as gel.
Did you ever stand up for something you thought was right even though a lot of people got upset with you? If not, do you think you would ever be strong enough to do so?
Many fans keep on sending me cards, they have slept for a week already. Today, I stand here to tell you that I'm still very strong, though look thinner.
Though the disaster hurt many children and broke their hearts, I just want to say to them that the 1.3 billion Chinese are all your families. You must be strong.
It's not as though slouching will give you a hunchback in a day, but 'if you do this day after day, and your muscles are not strong, the whole skeleton changes,' Dr. Golubic says.
Though Taurus' strong practicality, reliability, and steadfastness may have been what drew you to one another initially, these qualities may not continue to impress you later on.
So will the world have a very strong sensitivity, you can sense that even though very remote places in the clutch shares magnetic primers, calls.
There's always a strong bond connecting you two together, though so different, you guys are so close to each other.
Others will tell you that China still has many, many problems, even though they will be very careful to say China is a strong and great nation.
The feelings of summer, just like day of itself, fierce and strong. When sunshine went though the green leaves, deliberately scattering the spots in you.
Though I am one with strong self-esteem, I did it, out of my deep love for you, and of course, for my spiritual happiness!
The things that make you strong, and make you feel as though you've accomplished something, are not the easy ones;
The things that make you strong, and make you feel as though you've accomplished something, are not the easy ones;