The callback handler class has two thread local variables that can store the user ID and password from the client instance.
It includes stack frames and local variables, but unlike a true thread it is not executable.
Key things to note here are the thread local storage declarations and the instance variables used to hold the potential source of the username and password.
If the variables in your applications are not going to change, then a thread-local cache makes sense.
You could consider these "thread-local" copies of variables to be similar to a cache, helping the thread avoid checking main memory each time it needs to access the variable's value.
Instead, the thread class was modified to support ThreadLocal by adding an instance variable to thread that holds a HashMap mapping thread-local variables to their values for the current thread.
Every thread in an application requires memory to hold its stack (the area of memory used to hold local variables and maintain state when calling functions).
Reentrancy is easy-most variables are local variables on the stack and are allocated exclusively for each thread executing a function.
It's just a way to communicate with the coroutine scheduler without using global (or thread-local) variables.
It's just a way to communicate with the coroutine scheduler without using global (or thread-local) variables.