Listing 1 shows the ThreadLocal interface.
Using ThreadLocal to simplify debug logging.
Listing 2 shows one way to implement ThreadLocal.
Needless to say, the performance of ThreadLocal was quite poor.
To create a thread-local variable, you instantiate an object of class ThreadLocal.
In this way, we can think of a ThreadLocal as allowing us to create a per-thread-singleton.
With these new improvements, ThreadLocal should be faster than other techniques such as pooling.
Using ThreadLocal makes sense when you need to store variable instances on a per-thread basis.
当您需要以线程为单位存储变量实例时,使用ThreadLocal 很有意义。
For a discussion on the use of ThreadLocal, see Exploiting ThreadLocal to enhance scalability.
有关ThreadLocal的用法的讨论,请参见Exploiting ThreadLocaltoenhancescalability。
By using ThreadLocal, we can reduce contention by giving each thread its own copy of certain critical objects.
For example, I could have used a singleton with lower-level mechanisms like a ThreadLocal holding a stack of statistics and context.
One way of getting around this problem is to create a custom SubjectHolder class that wraps a static ThreadLocal to store the current Subject.
You can use ThreadLocal variables to store any sort of per-request context information using the per-thread-singleton technique described earlier.
您可以通过前面讲述的每线程单子技术用ThreadLocal变量来存储各种每请求(per - request)上下文信息。
The next-fastest data structure is HashMap, followed by ThreadLocal (essentially, a specialized hash table in which the current thread is the key).
By using a ThreadLocal in our Singleton, as shown in Listing 3, we can allow any class in our program to easily acquire a reference to a per-thread Connection.
In JDK 1.2, ThreadLocal was implemented in a manner very similar to Listing 2, except that a synchronized WeakHashMap was used to store the values instead of a HashMap.
在JD k 1.2中,ThreadLocal的实现方式与清单2中的方式非常相似,除了用同步weakhashmap代替hashmap来存储values之外。
Other applications for ThreadLocal in which pooling would not be a useful alternative include storing or accumulating per-thread context information for later retrieval.
ThreadLocal variables are different from normal variables in that each thread has its own individually initialized instance of the variable, which it accesses via get() or set() methods.
It isn't a particularly good implementation (although it is quite similar to the initial implementation), as it would likely perform poorly, but it illustrates clearly how ThreadLocal behaves.
Using ThreadLocal allows us to bypass the complexity of determining when to synchronize in order to achieve thread-safety, and it improves scalability because it doesn't require any synchronization.
Instead, the thread class was modified to support ThreadLocal by adding an instance variable to thread that holds a HashMap mapping thread-local variables to their values for the current thread.
Instead, the thread class was modified to support ThreadLocal by adding an instance variable to thread that holds a HashMap mapping thread-local variables to their values for the current thread.