You're clearly having some kind of a crack-up, so I suggest you take three weeks off.
They used a kind of triangular graph paper to plot the three measurements against one another.
One in three people in Britain have a new kind of disease—they love a famous person too much.
It's actually kind of fun, like a contest. (our year long project actually is a contest between the three of us).
True, often there is a kind of innocence in prejudices, but in those days I viewed grade-three thinking with an intolerant contempt and an incautious mockery.
The simultaneous shooting of three Somali pirates at sea as part of a hostage rescue two years ago was an example of the kind of outcome possible when SEALs prepare for all conditions.
A single kind of network connection that can somehow serve all three functions has yet to be invented.
Three hotels in Honolulu, Miami, and NYC have employed a new kind of washable RFID tag to keep you from stealing their towels, linens, and plush terrycloth bathrobes.
Three new companies are testing out a new kind of social network -centered around (mostly) women's fashion.
The forthcoming plan is three-fold-use the rescue fund as a kind of debt insurance; infuse more money into the European rescue fund; and pressure Banks to write down more debt.
What’s more, it’s a kind of protein — calleda three-finger protein — that is involved in other “striking examplesof local evolution, ” Brockes says.
If there are three different faces, there is either two pair or three of a kind.
Each of these three main SOA constructs provides a different kind of flexibility.
You're given three columns of text, primary text, and it's a Chinese menu kind of thing.
What's more, they've shown that these amino acids can react with each other to form a different kind of chemical bond to those which usually hold proteins together in their three-dimensional shape.
Then, I didn't get any response for like three months and then to my surprise I got a hand-written letter, in kind of a trembling handwriting; I still have it.
Y: Right, actually there are designers and engineers at MIT working on a new kind of three-wheeled car-a new kind of wheel actually.
In March, Beckham told People magazine: "obviously, having three boys, you kind of expect another one, so finding out a little girl is in there is surprising, but, obviously, we are over the moon."
For Empson, there's a kind of a fluid and easy movement back and forth between what for hermeneutics are three very different phenomena: author, text, reader.
I arrived from Georgia at 10am and three hours later I was having a shower to meet Julio. As I was going to the meeting, I thought it was some kind of hidden camera [show].
Homework and tennis and piano lessons kind of eat it all up. I have piano lessons three times a week now, so I have a good shot at getting into the all-state orchestra.
我现在每周要上3次钢琴课,这样 才有把握进入全州乐队。
No matter what kind of units, except for senior management, I am afraid that the remaining three people, but the proportion of a difference in terminology.
Anne was the prettiest of the three girls, I suppose. She had long wavy brown hair, and a gentle, kind face.
The historical change of irony's connotation mainly contains three stages: traditional irony, romantic irony and the irony as a kind of construction principle of New Criticism.
All three compounds are naturally produced by some bacteria for use in a kind of chemical warfare against other bacteria.
Conclusion Three dimensional finite element analysis is a kind of convenient and practicable method to be used as the confirmation and supplement of experimental biomechanics study of human being.
Surface is a kind of space can be defined three-dimensional formation, surface or plane space is the two forms of the line body.
I have noticed three effects of gossip: it can hurt people, it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction, and it can cause social pressures in a group.
I have noticed three effects of gossip: it can hurt people, it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction, and it can cause social pressures in a group.