Three-dimensional solid model CAM module automatically.
Using three dimensional linear viscoelasticity finite element model, numerical simulation was performed. The deformation of solid propellant grain under axial acceleration was investigated.
Besides, the improved burner three-dimensional solid model of the combustion field is established and numerically simulated.
Three-dimensional solid modeling method is introduced in this paper for good result, and the geometrical size of the model is consistent to the true value.
Finally, according to the shape of the front cover of the rotation, three-dimensional solid model by the impeller.
The solid model of pipes is utilized on the platform of WTK to achieve the three dimensional virtual design and the immersing display of piping system with the help of virtual reality's hardware;
In this paper, using ANSYS software, establish the three-dimensional solid model of laminated rubber bearing, take advantage of changes in model parameters to simulate the bearing damage.
Since the integral model is a three-dimensional solid, the utility model gives people a vivid and pristine artistic perception.
Established three-dimensional solid model of ball end mill , and which is imported into ANSYS software, a static analysis and modal analysis are finished with the ball end mill.
All the research achievements will be used to build a model of three-dimensional cell culture, in order to lay a solid foundation for culture of multifunctional organ in vitro.
This paper presents a new discrete transport concept on extruder's solid-conveying zone. A three-dimensional stereo-discrete transport model is set up in solid-conveying zone.
This paper presents a new discrete transport concept on extruder's solid-conveying zone. A three-dimensional stereo-discrete transport model is set up in solid-conveying zone.