There was no 'One, two, three, and away, ' but they began running when they liked, and left off when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over.
In the last article, I left off by providing a quick look at Snort's three functions, and looking at a few packets.
The three active reactors shut off automatically as designed, but a lack of electricity left workers unable to operate their cooling systems, leading to overheating.
At least three of the SEALs had participated in the sniper operation off the coast of Somalia in April 2009 that freed Richard Phillips the captain of the Maersk Alabama and left three pirates dead.
Also, the tubers can be left underground for up to three years, so if drought kills a corn or bean crop, the farmer's family can still fend off starvation.
The class is near capacity right now (about three spots left), and I’m ready to kick this thing off next Wednesday.
The man bunked off and left his wife with three children.
Remember this period has three or more months still left to run, so you can't take your foot off the pedal just yet.
You can go by the No. 301 bus. Get off at the cinema. Then walk straight for three minutes. The hospital is on the left.
But when the dead suddenly start coming back to life, these three zombies find that picking up where they left off isn't as easy as they'd hoped.
The engineer advised him to continue digging in the same spot where the former owners had left off. And three feet deeper, the new owner struck gold.
The project starts off with the intention of solving the environmental issue. The first floor plan is designed to make the most of the space left after placing three car parking spots and a garden.
The story picks up right where it left off and focuses on House in the hospital over a two- to three-month period.
It ACTS like a three-dimensional scaffold and prevents the left ventricular wall from getting thinner, thereby warding off additional heart failure.
It ACTS like a three-dimensional scaffold and prevents the left ventricular wall from getting thinner, thereby warding off additional heart failure.