As the core of packet classification technology, the performance of packet classification algorithm has a crucial influence on the time delay and throughput of the network.
The simulation results show that this method can strengthen the processing capability of congestion and random errors, and it can also improve the throughput of the network efficiently.
Theoretical analysis results show this scheme can increase the probability of neighbor discovery and the data throughput of the network through the introduction of asynchrony scan frames.
While this protection strategy allows higher network throughput, it does so at the cost of some network security.
Figure 3 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the bidirectional scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 6 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the bidirectional scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 12 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 11 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netperf scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 5 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netperf scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 8 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netperf scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 2 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netperf scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Under some circumstances, such as slow network throughput, the Ajax call is not completed after pausing for a specific time and will lead to the failure of the test cases.
Figure 1 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netserver scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 4 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netserver scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 10 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netserver scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 7 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netserver scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
The pape presents an efficient synchronization mechanism for wireless MMORPG, which aims at decreasing network communication throughput, due to the restriction of cell phone and wireless network.
In order to maximize the throughput of network, it controls all clusters in suitable size adaptively.
Then we compare the throughput of DCF and EDCF with network simulation tool NS-2, and then thoroughly analyze the throughput of EDCF in saturation and slow-moving states.
When the network is in the state of congestion collapse, the network throughput will decreases sharply with tiny load increment.
The famous max-flow min-cut theorem determines the maximum throughput of a network.
This design has the advantages of simple structure and low cost and that it can satisfy the throughput of the distributed SCM network.
The main purpose of lightweight communications is to provide lower network communication delay and higher communication throughput.
The objective of the article research is on the base of existing protocol, considering equity of network, making the network life time longer, improving the throughput.
The successful application of network coding in P2P network also reveals its advantage in terms of increasing network throughput.
其在P 2 P网络中的成功应用也体现了它在增加网络吞吐率方面的优势。
Two collaborative communication solutions are compared and analyzed in terms of the network throughput and system outage probability.
The simulation on NS2 shows that the average throughput is improved, and the packet loss rate is decreased. With the JRED algorithm, the stableness and reliability of network are enhanced.
利用NS 2对改进的算法进行仿真,结果表明,JRED算法提高了平均吞吐量,降低了丢包概率,增强了网络稳定性和可靠性。
Efficient performance and high throughput are the major goals of the network performance management.
This minimizes network congestion and increases the overall throughput of the system.
This paper analyzes the network scale of MIS with C/S mode, including the channel capacity and database throughput dividually.