The research result shows that the basic conditions for tidal bore formation are the funnel-shaped Hangzhou Bay and sand bar rising.
As soon as the winds dropped, the waters would have rushed back, much like a tidal bore.
Korea was basically destroyed due to significant Earthquakes, new volcanos followed by the tidal bore.
Termed the European tsunami, this will result in tidal waves 200 feet tall assaulting the UK coastline, rising to 300 feet up the Bristol Channel due to tidal bore.
The result is that the bore acting force of the vertical square cylinders is related with the tidal bore height and the length of square cylinders.
Sweden and Norway fared reasonably through the earthquakes and did not have to contend with tidal bore due to their high elevation but couldn't escape intense volcanic ash.
We with the crowd, tidal bore on embankment is adopted.
Based on experiment analysis of hydraulic properties of tidal bore about bore height, propagation velocity and tidal current velocity, the relative tidal bore height exceeds 0.
The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight.
Chapter 3 has analyzed the origin cause of tidal bore through simulating bore with one-dimensional bore model based on the ideal rectangle cross watercourse.
The Qiantang estuary model was established, and the formation and propagation process of tidal bore was simulated.
The model is verified to compute some typical examples and the tidal bore on the Qiantang river. The results show that the scheme is robust and accurate, and worthy to be brought into wide use.
Especially round the Moon Festival every year one can enjoy the raging tidal bore which is a most spectacular natural phenomenon.
In the formula, the dynamical action on blocks by tidal bore was expressed by the relative height of tidal bore, and the impact of base water depth on the stability of blocks was taken into account.
Can you introduce the International Xiaoshan Qiantang River Tidal Bore Festival?
While island feeling imperial family horse park culture's, may fly a kite in the beautiful seashore sand beach, enjoys the delicacy in the delightful tidal bore sound to bake.
Being opposite to Qianjiang Tidal-bore Sighting City, we sincerely welcome friends in all circles to visit our company and enjoy the sight of Qianjiang Bore-the wonder of the world.
Although a daily occurrence, people consider the 18th day of the 8th lunar month as the best day to enjoy the tidal bore.
Although a daily occurrence, people consider the 18th day of the 8th lunar month as the best day to enjoy the tidal bore.