AbuBakr Bahaj, in charge of the Southampton research, said: The prospects for energy from tidal currents are far better than from wind because the flows of water are predictable and constant.
负责南安普顿研究的AbuBakr Bahaj说:潮汐流的能源前景比风能要好得多,因为水流是可预测和恒定的。
Some of the strongest tidal currents in the world race around UK shores and there's some of the highest energy in the waves that roll in from the Atlantic.
Anchoring "Deep Green" and steering the tethered "kite" enables the turbine to capture energy from the tidal currents at ten times the speed of the actual stream velocity, say Minesto.
Two types of tidal energy can be extracted: Kinetic energy of currents due the tides and potential energy from the difference in height (or head) between high and low tides.
Two types of tidal energy can be extracted: Kinetic energy of currents due the tides and potential energy from the difference in height (or head) between high and low tides.