The Storm-surge error range due to the tidal hour and tidal level prediction error is discussed.
Linear perturbation model to the tidal level forecasting for Nanjing and Zhen Jiang stations are discribed.
The model is used to calculate water level and dis-charge of river network with tidal level as independent variable.
To ensure navigation safety, considering ships need to keep extra depth, the paper proposes the calculations method of tidal level and time of navigation.
The research shows that the design value combines tidal level and wave by composite frequency method is considered to be the reference for design levee elevation.
The results show that the model can analyze the change of tidal level influenced by astronomic tide and typhoon together and fit for the request of storm surge forecast.
Some key techniques, such as attitude correction, quality control of GPS height, transformation of vertical reference datum and extraction of tidal level, are studied in detail.
The flux control loop realizes the exchange between the water level value and flux value at the coupling boundary, and the water level control loop realizes tidal level simulation.
其中流量控制回路实现了物模和数模在耦合边界处水位和流量的交换; 水位控制回路实现了入海口潮汐水位的模拟。
The calculation and its verification show that the calculated processes of tidal level and current fairly well coincide with field data, and the flow field of calculation is reasonable.
In this paper, the observed land surface height data and tidal data in the Yellow River delta foreland area are used to describe the variations in depth datum and tidal level in the area.
Given boundary conditions of tidal level, the flow around the closure was simulated using FLUENT and DELFT-3D respectively and the maximal velocities and the locations of them were compared.
Riverside tidal sea level, sea total Chao-moon, almonds reunion, bless music with your actions.
In the level distribution, there is the largest amount of heterotrophic bacteria at tidal zone, less much at the area 100m from low water line, smallest at the area 300m from low water line.
In China sea modifying sea level anomaly by tidal height calculated from TOPEX/POSEIDON data.
利用提取的中国海潮汐信息对TOPEX /POSEIDON海面高度异常资料进行了修正。
For the need of the development of the Qinhuangdao port, based on the observed tidal data of many years at the port, the design water level and the check water level are calculated in this paper.
The relationship between barometric efficiency and tidal coefficient of the well water level is also discussed.
The formulas of calculating the tidal coefficient and lag time are developed, and the corrected formulas of lag influence of tide in the well level are given.
If the response amplitude and phase changes have taken place, the well water level in tidal response to meet the full drainage.
These inclined beddings can be divided into 4 bedding assemblages to represent different development stages of tidal sand ridges and to correspond to different postglacial sea-level rise periods.
An artificially enclosed area of a river or harbor designed so that the water level remains unaffected by tidal changes.
Straddling freshwater wetlands and a tidal estuary just six feet above sea level, this house's site demands extraordinary sensitivity to environmental concerns.
The model is used to predict the tidal water level of Dahengqin station.
Considering the inconsistency of level data in tidal reach, a method correcting the data by drawing the trend equation from its time series was proposed.
The diatom assemblages of surface sediment in tidal beach supply a very important scientific evidence for restoring the paleoenvironment, the changes of shoreline and the sea level.
Spring and fall, tidal water level is low, are a good crab catching season.
Huili Sichuan-18 well's analysis showed that the tidal anomaly well water level located in the far-field and is often induced by aquifer transmissivity changes.
对会理川- 18井的分析表明,对于中远场井水位潮汐异常往往是含水层导水系数的变化。
This paper focuses on the risk assessment of a new type of concrete artificial fish-reefs in Shengsi when typhoon waves with the lowest water level and maximum tidal current speed occur.
If the phase change, while the amplitude is almost constant, tidal water level response to meet the transition state.
If the phase change, while the amplitude is almost constant, tidal water level response to meet the transition state.