A true epithelial tissue is present only in a single layer of cells held together via occluding junctions called tight junctions.
It is embedded in specific cell-cell-contacts (tight junctions) of the specialized heart fibres.
Mosaic junctions and tight junctions between the pelvic congestive venous endothelial cells were normal.
Tight junctions (TJs) form a continuous barrier to fluids across the epithelium and endothelium (reviewed in 1).
AIM: To investigate the effect of high and low shear stress on endothelial permeability and tight junctions (TJs).
The cells are pink and polygonal in shape with intercellular Bridges (seen as desmosomes or "tight junctions" by electron microscopy).
"That is an interesting observation because these special cell-cell-contacts, the tight junctions, have not been connected to arrhythmia so far", Professor Gotthardt says.
Unlike the simple polarity in epithelial cells, hepatocytes are constituted of multi-polar membranes between blood vessels and bile ducts, and separated by tight junctions.
At three points along the way there are specialized junctions: (1) zonula occludens or tight junctions, (2) zonula adherens or intermediate junction, and (3) desmosome or macula adherens.
The results showed that the capillary endothelium and their tight junctions were partly destroyed and their permeability were significantly increased to lanthanum nitrate and methyl methacrylate.
The contact point between the macrophage and lymphatic endothelium was deficient of junctions such as tight junction and gap junction.
The contact point between the macrophage and lymphatic endothelium was deficient of junctions such as tight junction and gap junction.