Broke surface loans on the one hand to the market demand, on the other hand, is affected by the tight money market factors.
One obstacle to the rally continuing is the tight market for credit, which has made it difficult for Chinese businesses that use steel to borrow money.
BabyIf you do hold money in the market you need to decide if it is time to crystallise your losses, or if you have the stomach to sit tight and hope for a recovery.
Once the money market turns tight and the interest rate rise, the housing market may be beset with crises.
Back in the 40s, 50s, 60s, they would've been working on market stalls, that to me is the tight kind of entrepreneur, ducking and diving, trying to make his money to get into the bigger picture.
回到40- 60年代,人们早就在市场小摊上工作了,对于我这才是彻底的企业家,躲避和躲藏,努力赚更多钱。
The transfer market overall is very quiet. Clubs are very tight with money.
The transfer market overall is very quiet. Clubs are very tight with money.