Firstly, a modified Tikhonov regularization ct image reconstruction algorithm from limited-angle is proposed.
It is based on Tikhonov regularization method and effectively enhances the validity of the information of old Wells an...
After discussing the basic inversion problem, this paper achieve the 1d SNMR Tikhonov regularization inverse by conjugate gradient method.
Based on Tikhonov regularization, a new single epoch algorithm suitable for deformation monitoring using single frequency GPS receivers is proposed.
Based on TIKHONOV regularization theorem, a new regularizer, which has explicitly physical meaning, is chosen to mitigate the ill-condition of the normal matrix.
基于TIK - HONOV正则化原理,选择了一种具有物理意义的正则化矩阵,以减弱法矩阵的病态性。
Based on TIKHONOV regularization theorem, a new regularizer, which has explicitly physical meaning, is chosen to mitigate the ill-condition of the normal matrix.
基于TIK - HONOV正则化原理,选择了一种具有物理意义的正则化矩阵,以减弱法矩阵的病态性。