If surviving copies are few, the stemma perforce brings into proximity manuscripts that were widely separated in time and place of origin.
What I do find interesting is the origin of the universe, the shape of space-time and the nature of black holes.
As the evolution into three species would have taken extreme lengths of time, combined with the lack of fossil records in Africa, the team concludes that Asia was the most likely origin.
The origin of western theatre goes back into the mists of time but seems to have begun to take recognizable shape about 2600 years ago in greece-and wine was a key ingredient.
At this time he knew nothing of Wells's and Matthew's accounts of natural selection; indeed, both accounts languished in obscurity until after the "Origin" was published.
Birds evolved from dinosaurs, but the origin of their feathers may trace back even deeper in time, to the common ancestor of dinosaurs and pterosaurs, like the fossil at left.
Such work has helped put Boston and Cambridge among the elite centers of studies of life’s origin, and Szostak is now devoted essentially full-time to synthesis of life.
The origin of this phrase is linked with an early British practice, at a time when forests were still the exclusive property of royalty.
Please send us your best offer by fax indicating origin packing, quantity available and the earliest time of shipment.
At age 34, she decided it was time to solve the mystery of her origin and she began the search. It took her three years.
The answer varies according to time and place of origin.
However, in real time, the universe will appear to begin at the Big Bang, "Hawking said, referring to the explosion thought to be at the origin of the universe."
Now Nowak is out to do it again, this time by modeling the origin of life.
What we don't know is if the Big Bang is the ultimate origin of time or whether there was a time before that." (Read the Plus article What happened before the Big Bang? for more on this subject.)
I heard on the radio the other day that the origin of the phrase "drunk as a Lord" came from a time when the aristocracy were the ones with the time and money to get boozy.
Origin edge, edge thick edge light, we can not control. We can do, is when the karma of treasure that short time.
The origin of the custom is lost in the mists of time.
Accordingly, parapsychologists indicate that "Memory Power" is coming down from time immemorial even before the origin of man.
This estimated time of origin is decades earlier than the previous estimate of 1930.
Let's guess an origin time of 10 seconds, measured on the same clock that made the time scale at the bottom of the figure and timed the seismograms.
There can be no doubt that its origin is everywhere referable to that early time of struggle and necessity which we have been contemplating.
Let's start from the present and backtrack the time line to the origin of lives.
The origin of the moon is virtually an open question at this time.
Most of the time you want to be very specific about which changes from the origin are to be merged.
They used this and other HIV-1 genetic sequences to construct a family tree of the origin of the viral strain and to estimate the time of origin of HIV-1 group m.
他们利用这个遗传序列与其他HIV - 1的遗传序列构建出起源病毒株的家系图,并以此估算出HIV - 1 M组的起源时间。
Save your time to learn some stories on the origin of the Christmas tree.
Save your time to learn some stories on the origin of the Christmas tree.