They range from a few days for small lakes up to several hundred years for large ones; Lake Tahoe, in California, has a residence time of 700 years.
Not everyone will agree with the authors' policy ideas, which range from mandating more holiday time to reducing tax incentives for American homebuyers.
Until just recently, most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time.
At the same time, airports have been developing and expanding the range of services that they provide specifically for the business traveller in the terminal.
They like to take their time and weigh a wide range of options.
The time range can vary between a minute to over an hour depending on these factors.
In addition, you can now create a report for a particular time range.
You can use the steady state as the time range for your report.
Response time is one measurement that gets a lot of attention, and tuning your portal to provide a consistent response time range with the expected volume of user load is your ultimate goal.
By doing this, you will then see metrics in the report that pertain only to that time range.
Additionally, SAML provides a digital signature mechanism that enables the assertion to have a validity time range to prevent assertions from being replayed later.
Alternatively, you can also define your own time range in the test run by specifying start and end times.
You can select the time range for the report, the frequency of the data points, along with the measures for the report.
You can use slightly modified versions of this code to track precipitation trends over a broad time range.
Requests to the service specify a time range and a geographic coordinate range, and the service returns all earthquakes within the specified range.
Also try expanding the visible time window to expand the time range certain states are visible.
Finish and wait for the report to generate with the new time range.
Spinning down the hard disk and setting a reduced CPU speed setting can be performed for any time range when the CPU and disk activity is below a set threshold.
You can define the time range as widely or as narrowly as you want, of course.
The Numbers associated with the transactions will then more clearly reflect the activities and execution time for a shorter time range.
Evaluating results for a specified time range.
Follow these steps to define your own time range.
The time range that is covered by these graphs is whatever is available in the sysadmin:mon_profile table.
When only specifying a From date, the time range will begin on the date specified and continue to the current date.
The Overview tab displays four graphs of VM resource-usage information as well as a pick list for altering the time range for which you would like to see results.
Overview选项卡显示了4 个反映VM 资源使用情况的图形以及一个挑选列表,可以修改显示结果的时间范围。
The time range has also be extended with two additional bits to increase the lifetime by another 500 years.
You can delete data pertaining to specific business time periods by specifying the time range in the FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME clause.
通过在FORPORTION OF business_time子句中指定时间范围,您可以删除与特定业务时段相关的数据。
This ability to focus on a specific time range enables you to see, for example, only the results from the period during which the maximum number of virtual users were making Web service calls.
And for your large tests, practice filtering and changing your time range to see if you can remove some of the noise from your results.
Another option, similar to filtering, is to narrow the time range of the test.