Productivity often suffers, as employees spend their time sharing rumours and providing one another with moral support rather than focusing on their jobs.
As in all friendship, a husband and wife must try to interest each other, and to spend sufficient time sharing absorbing activities to give them continuing common interests.
On Lord's Day, all those new saints kept getting up and sharing, and we went way over the scheduled time, just because the overflow was so abundant.
Next, sharing the details of one's life requires trust, which takes time to build.
Dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned
Another time, he embarrassed Nicole during sharing time.
Every year at this time, we hear from our readers sharing their stories to give thanks and express love to their grandparents.
In the face of Dell, IBM, the leader, Fiorina of Hewlett-Packard employee said: we used to do 95 minutes before launch, and now I ask them on the launch of 80 time-sharing, and then slowly improved.
I'm guessing my explanation (well the question I've posed) for preemptive cannot be right as then it just seems the same as time sharing!
A proposal for custody and a time-sharing plan.
In the early 1950s, while at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he pioneered "time-sharing", by which multiple users could work on a single mainframe simultaneously.
20世纪50年代早期在麻省理工学院,Mc Carthy首倡分时系统,通过这一系统多重用户可以在同一台大型机上同时工作。
Simbad schedules time-sharing among Agents.
Simbad 在代理之间调度时间分配。
Building on work by Fernando corbato, they completed the Dartmouth Time Sharing System, or DTSS, later in 1964.
1964年稍后,他们在Fernando corbato的工作基础上,完成达特茅斯分时系统即dtss。
And indeed, that's the idea (first proposed by Robert Berner as early as 1957) behind time-sharing.
实际上,这正是分时(time - sharing)的基本思想(由robertBerner在1957年提出)。
A program that handles all communication between the control program and the time-sharing driver.
Could we do a time-sharing system where lots of people could dial-in and get consumer information?
Watch have time-sharing needle, minute, the second three pointer, it contains the different stages, respectively, after only in has experienced many ups, just as the second, go faster.
A computer having the capability of time sharing operation.
The part interprets a few basic questions of time-sharing system.
The time-sharing holiday has it own characteristics, and its contribution to the society cannot be ignored.
M sequence pseudorandom code is used for encoding the pseudorandom code absolute encoder, double slit technique is used to perform time sharing reading and ROM is used as the coding device.
The author introduces a design method of time sharing multi task dispatching module.
Communication module of software based on multi thread technology is used for realizing time sharing multitask of man-machine interactive module and communication module.
A control block used for communication between the time-sharing driver and the time sharing interface program.
We have realized a Data base Mangement system on multi-user time-sharing systems.
Gates: The first computer we used was a GE time-sharing system.
A modified direct digital frequency synthesis (DDS), pipelined structure, and time-sharing ROM are adopted in the chip, for saving chip area and ensuring high performance and speed.
With the time-sharing support, functions in a personal computer workstation will be more flexible.
At last, the IPSO algorithm is applied to TSPS to obtain optimal time-sharing power supply scheme.
At last, the IPSO algorithm is applied to TSPS to obtain optimal time-sharing power supply scheme.