Abstract: Aiming at the nonlinear and time-varying characteristics of freeway traffic system, a fuzzy self-adaptive PID controller is designed and applied to freeway ramp metering in this paper.
As sinter is a typical time varying and nonlinear system with large delay time, it is difficult to describe the whole process using a mathematical model.
Based on a typical time varying and nonlinear system with large delay time, it is difficult to describe the whole process using a mathematical model.
Warp unwinding tension control system for sizing machine lacks an precise mathematical model, and has nonlinear and time-varying Characteristics.
A robust state feedback controller design is considered for a class of linear time varying delay system with nonlinear uncertainty based on Lyapunov stability theory.
This article puts forward a kind of self organization fuzzy controller with parameter feedback for a kind of common nonlinear time varying system in industry.
Considering the time varying meshing stiffness of gear pair, the nonlinear dynamic model of a geared rotor bearing system is established.
The dynamic quantitative weighing system is a kind of nonlinear, large delay, time-varying system.
Generalized predictive control is implemented for a class of nonlinear system by substituting it with a time-varying linear system.
Fuzzy control was applied to speed regulation system of electrical haulage shearer directed at the characteristics of time-varying, nonlinear and uncertainty.
Further, through the phase space reconstruction of relating time series and fractal analysis, discussion to nonlinear evolution of the system with varying heating power is delivered.
Combining the qualitative knowledge and quantitative mathematical information of system, the approach provides good control over the nonlinear time varying system with wide variation of parameters.
Under certain conditions, this method can be used to get a good control in nonlinear time-varying system.
This paper proposes a new generalized predictive control of the hydraulic bending roll system which features serious disturbance, time delay, nonlinear, and time varying.
A model switching algorithm based on multi-model adaptive control is presented to solve the problem of poor transient response in the adaptive control of nonlinear time-varying system.
AC servo system is a kind of complex and nonlinear Time-varying systems.
Based on the nonlinear and time varying parameter of the cabin pressure regulating system characteristics, a control strategy of fuzzy sliding mode variable structure control is proposed.
Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler is a distributed parameter, nonlinear, time varying and multivariate coupling system.
As a complex, time-varying, nonlinear, strong coupling, natural unstable and higher order system, its stability control is a typical problem of the theory and application of control.
The analysis of guaranteed cost robust stability for nonlinear system with time-varying delays is investigated.
It is a typical nonlinear time-varying system. The complex system has widespread changes in the parameters, outside interference and so on.
The system model contains multiple factors such as time-varying delay, parameter perturbation and nonlinear.
Thus the control of nonlinear system could be studied via the linear time-varying (LTV) approximations.
Parametrically excited double pendulum belongs to 2 degree freedom time-varying system, it is a basis to study nonlinear dynamics of multi-degree freedom system and elastic beam.
Pressure system in coke oven gas-collecting pipe is a multi-coupling, nonlinear, strong disturbed, multi-variable and time-varying system. It is hard to control it in usual methods.
Pressure system in coke oven gas-collecting pipe is a multi-coupling, nonlinear, strong disturbed, multi-variable and time-varying system. It is hard to control it in usual methods.