The better experimental results are acquired using the ADV automatic measuring and analyzing system to measure the time average velocity distribution in turbulence bo…
Results:The peak systolic velocity and the time average velocity of the central retinal artery of the affected eyes were lower than those of the patients healthy eyes(P<0 0001).
We define average velocity as the position at time four seconds minus the position at time zero, 4 divided by four.
Now, I would think that it is reasonable to ask the following question: What is the average velocity, for instance, between time zero and time four?
The average acceleration 2 between time t1 and time t2 2 would then be the velocity at time t2 minus the velocity at time t1, divided by t2 minus t1.
在t1和t2之间的,这段平均加速度2,等于t2时刻的速度2,减去t 1时速度,再除以。
And now you will understand how we define the instantaneous velocity at time t which is different from an average velocity between two time intervals.
The average flow velocity can not get from the average flow velocity of every monitoring point in the same time, but by a period of time.
It obtains low average mean squared error (MSE), fast convergence velocity and decreases the noise sensitivity at the same time.
The average velocity ratios are very steady, whatever in the long time scale or large spatial scale.
The result also shows that RBF neural network laser fluorescence spectra data analysis identification model get the best perform in velocity, the average training time is 5.547 seconds.
Furthermore, the time history and spectrum of the average flow velocity through an orifice are computed, from which the nonlinear distortion of flow velocity is analyzed.
The motion tracks of large-size particles are shorter than that of little size ones, and accordingly the average circulation-time are shorter with less effects of aeration velocity.
The motion tracks of large-size particles are shorter than that of little size ones, and accordingly the average circulation-time are shorter with less effects of aeration velocity.