Circadian rhythms can be affected to some degree by almost any kind of external time cue, such as the beeping of your alarm clock, the clatter of a garbage truck, or the timing of your meals.
That may be a hint that yawn evolved as a social cue—"time for us all to go to bed".
Every time you feel the cue for a snack, insert another routine.
That may be a hint that the action evolved as a social cue - "time for us all to go to bed" - although as usual when evolution and human behaviour meet, the tie is speculative at best.
The other was recorded from the same electrodes, at the time when the memory cue itself was presented.
For packages, include the "TRT" or total running time and an out cue, the final words of voice track.
It conditions the brain to want that reward again and again - reinforcing the connection each time - especially when it gets the right cue from your environment.
It conditions the brain to want that reward again and again -reinforcing the connection each time -especially when it gets the right cue from your environment.
Though billiards had already been popular for more than 100 years at that time, Mingaud was the first person to round the end of a pool cue with a file and apply a leather tip to it.
This means when you mark the exercise and move the arm at the same time - the movement of the arm is the cue your dog is following and not your verbal cue.
Take the cue, feel the message of this moment, and go with it. In this time and this place, this life is yours with which to do great things.
Thinking about distance in both time and space seems to cue the mind to think abstractly and consequently more creatively.
That was the first time that I ever picked up a cue stick , and it was just something that I knew that I wanted to continue to do.
The time had come to say good night. At mother's cue, we all ascended.
When creating interfaces where buttons allow the viewer to jump to specific times in the video, it is recommended that you embed the cue points directly in the video at the time of encoding.
Results were the same as found in previous studies, the CSC was influenced by the time duration between cue and stimulus and the probability of the cues.
Generally it's "first paid first served". If one takes too much time to revise, I might simultaneously start working on the piece on cue.
When being in operation, the electronic radio receiver sends out cue signal if sound signal is not accorded with the condition of volume in order to make adjustment in time.
When being in operation, the electronic radio receiver sends out cue signal if sound signal is not accorded with the condition of volume in order to make adjustment in time.