The departing time interval control is concise, effective and a basic method of solving the problem of queuing.
The timer circuits in accordance with the prescribed time interval control online and offline tower, thus make the switch of dry air and desiccant can continuously regeneration.
The SLM features enable you to control the workload, the credential executing it, and the time interval when it is being processed.
The interval of the time lag is identical of each lane controlled and when the input is a random sign, we can adopt quadratic function of optimum control and separation theorem.
To solve the contradiction between target tracking accuracy and observation interval, an algorithm of calculating observation time based on target estimate covariance control was presented.
A new iterative learning control (ILC) updating law is proposed for the tracking control of continuous linear system over a finite time interval.
If a system can transfer toward arbitrary desired state from the arbitrary initial state within a finite time interval under the governing of the control action, then it has controllability.
In order to control the subsidence of the interval tunnel and guarantee the safety of operation strictly, pipe-jacking is used as pre-support for the first time.
The relationship between the sampling interval and the performance of control charts was analyzed using the average run time as a comparison standard.
The key to achieving initiative control of vibration damage by means of wave interference is to ascertain reasonable delay time interval.
A second tuner sequentially tunes plural channels at a predetermined time interval according to a control signal from external.
Control paths are not limited, and time interval and times of each control path can be determined arbitrarily.
The idea of ILC is to gradually revise imperfect control input using the error between system output and the desired trajectory and realize perfect tracking in a finite time interval.
This paper mainly introduces the computation of time interval of pulse delay in the design of pulse positioning of rise and fall frequency of step motor with microcomputer control.
A set of MR brain images were also taken of a control group of non-meditators over a similar time interval.
By setting a time-out interval, you can make sure that a pending network call returns control reliably, instead of waiting for the underlying network stack to time out the request.
At the same time, he can use the narrative time interval and frequency to control narrative rhythm.
By using the arrow keys to adjust the zoom control, you can adjust the Windows range by 1 sampling interval at a time.
This control allows you to specify a time interval between when the stimulus generation starts and when the measurement actually begins.
This paper analyses principle, error, and unstable state of determining the electric stop watch by means of time-interval method of electric counter. A simple gate-control method is presented at last.
This paper analyses principle, error, and unstable state of determining the electric stop watch by means of time-interval method of electric counter. A simple gate-control method is presented at last.