First of all, many pupils suggest that history is one of the less interesting school subjects and that governments should spend the time and money on subjects that are more useful.
Another way to make daily builds more useful for reducing wait time is to prioritize what failures to fix first.
While this is useful (and important!) information, you might be wondering why I took the time to mention it, when the focus is on using PDO with DB2.
Thinking of time as something you own is useful. Would you find it so easy to waste something if you knew you owned it?
On the other hand, if the lock is held for a longer time, spinning is wasteful as the spinning thread consumes CPU without doing anything useful.
It is expected that many useful extensions will emerge over time as developers begin to roll out new and interesting applications.
This is a useful metric because some garbage collection is (for the time being) an inevitable fact of life for most applications.
There comes a time when the response you seek is no longer useful.
Patients do get one-on-one time with a doctor, but perhaps more useful is hearing how other patients dealt with similar struggles.
In fact, given that traditional economic forecasts miss structural breaks all the time, it is both difficult to achieve and useful.
ADC relies on the NSD output for much of its information, so if NSD is not configured to run at the time of a crash, there is little useful information in the ADC report.
A credible inflation target of 2 or 3 per cent, maintained over a credibly long period of time, is useful.
Another useful means of increasing office productivity using UNIX is to time commands that you regularly execute.
As an example, the Atmosphere’s Broadcaster is very useful when it is time to push/aggregate/filter data between suspended connections.
But taking even short periods of time off is useful. Here's what I suggest you to do.
Storing a single profile item is useful, but most data changes over time, particularly when you talk about energy usage.
This is useful when editing and visualizing the structure of the information all at one time.
It is easy forget that useful code can take some time to perform its function.
Obviously, the sooner you detect that something is wrong, the more time and opportunity you have to collect useful diagnostic information for troubleshooting.
It is also useful in smaller applications to provide improved throughput and response time.
It also allows control over the maximum amount of CPU time available to a particular job, which is quite useful for an administrator.
This is very useful if you don't have time to launch your e-mail application to see the contents of a last-minute message.
The concept of a container is critical at design time and is useful in other situations as well.
The goal is ultimately to make this data useful to actual people, in real time.
As described earlier, a single pass of either the host or port scanning information is only useful for the instant in time when the scan was executed.
Using programmatic emulation is useful if you are tired of entering values or even picking values from the data pool every time a component is emulated.
All that money the candidates have been splashing out is useful at a time when Indonesia's economy is cooling sharply in the draught from the global downturn.
The CLOSE_LOG call is useful to determine the elapsed execution time.
There is a period of time when your install image is not consistent and any snapshot taken during that time will not be useful to you in your disaster data center.
There is a period of time when your install image is not consistent and any snapshot taken during that time will not be useful to you in your disaster data center.