Article 13 labor contracts with a fixed period are the labor contract in which the termination time of the contract has been stipulated by the employer and the worker.
The time limit for the labor contract;
In China drafts are usually read three times, but the labor contract draft was read for a fourth time, after its full text was released for public consultation.
I did not pay attention to the New Labor Contract law at that time. This law was passed on 29 June 2007 to become effective on 1 January 2008.
Time limit of the labor contract is divided into fixed time limit, non fixed time limit and time limit depending on the accomplishment of a certain work.
The indenture contract was a device that enabled people to pay for their passage to America by selling their labor to someone in the New World for a specified period of time.
First, he made it clear that according to Labor Contract Law, an employer has to pay the employee an extra 25 percent of their salary if they don't pay the salary on time.
In these people, 80% of people did not to protect their legal relay on law. At the same time, 90% of people don't think about the labor contract. The legal of college students can not be protect.
Article 14 a labor contract without a fixed term refers to a labor contract in which the employer and the employee stipulate no certain time to end the contract.
Now is in my probation, and according to law of labor and the contract we signed, I have right to leave at any time.
At the same time, based on the "labor Law", it makes detailed and comprehensive requirements on open-ended labor contract system.
Labor contract law "was clear for the first time the laborer's right to know and the employer's duty of inform the truth in contract stage."
Labor contract law "was clear for the first time the laborer's right to know and the employer's duty of inform the truth in contract stage."