Of course, study should not hold the full free time on schedule of work and rest, must gives rest, put apart of hobby, recreation a few time, this are very important to learning.
One solution to this problem is to schedule a time daily to work on your big project.
This process can run (repeatedly) on a time schedule or it can be invoked (repeatedly) as a service from a business process or any other service consumer.
We wake up at a certain time, work on a schedule and base our performance on the amount of time it takes us to do things.
This automated process will save time and provides the flexibility to the application users to migrate their artifacts on their own schedule.
My parents and I want to make time for each other however, so I literally schedule dinner in on my Google Calendar.
In addition, we will need to know if the work items are on schedule, and how much time these work items contributors are saving or going to be late for delivery.
Her grandfather, Long Wanting, said the girl's father learned of the news, but could not schedule time to come back and check on the children.
While the three countries should negotiate on the same schedule and join the WTO at the same time, Mr. Shuvalov said, he left himself an out if that arrangement slowed negotiations too much.
That means trying to stick to your existing schedule for social activities and taking some time during the day to focus on yourself.
Do it on a schedule too; pick a bed time and a wake time and stick with them.
We often use the domain controller as the time server and run the Windows Schedule task on the involved Lotus Connections server hosts to do time synchronization with the domain controller.
If you tend to feel awake most of the night, it may take a week or two on your new schedule to begin feeling naturally sleepy at the time you choose to go to bed.
The experiment proved conclusively that in spite of a 3,500-mile flight and differences in local time, the bees' alarm clocks rang right on their 24-hour schedule.
The test team receives an updated build with TestCaseB fix in time for that area testing, without slowing progress on their test schedule.
If you know your partner loves to read on Saturday afternoons for a couple of hours, try not to schedule anything during that time.
This example USES the response time breakdown option, which is selected under the schedule, to collect statistics on a captured page element when the test runs.
A batch processor is available to schedule tasks to run server-side either on an ongoing basis, a scheduled time interval, or at a certain time.
You don’t have to call it a date, but just schedule time with them on a regular basis to do something together.
Schedule family fun time, too, whether it's playing a board game or going on bike ride or hike.
If time gets tight, these nice-to-see landmarks can be omitted to get us back on schedule.
Getting your life organized will help your time management because you won't have to think about what is coming up next on your schedule.
The administrator attempts to schedule job processes at incremental time slots based on expected duration of each job execution.
Set aside one night weekly for active recreation; take time daily for you, whether it's a long shower or listening to Mozart; and schedule routine chores on weekdays so weekends are free.
Back in Washington, she spends significant periods of time at the White House, among the most of any of Obama's cabinet members noted on his public schedule.
We wake up at a certain time, work on a schedule and scrutinize our performance on how long it takes us to accomplish things.
Loganair, who operate the eight-seater service, has changed its schedule to ensure the children get to school on time.
Loganair, who operate the eight-seater service, has changed its schedule to ensure the children get to school on time.