Visitor loyalty, bounce rate, recency, time on site .
For Average Time on Site, bounces remain a part of the calculation.
In this example, we're graphing visitors versus average time on site.
You can see whether a few visits are skewing your 'Average Time on Site' upward or downward.
Top website metrics: average page views per visit, average time on site, booking engine abandonment rate.
Use Analytics to show which keywords are most important to your website (by time on site, bounce rate, etc)?
To calculate Average Time on Site, Google Analytics divides the total time for all visits by the number of visits.
The Site Usage tab shows metrics such as the number of pages viewed per visit, the average time on site, and the bounce rate.
The graph allows you to visualize the entire distribution of visits instead of simply the 'Average Time on Site' across all visits.
A spreadsheet with some basic metrics about like visitors, time on site, most popular funnel path, and even a goal conversion rate can make the difference. Example.
Everyone at the site worked hard to finish building the tunnel on time and more than 10 latest techniques were developed while the workers were doing this great project.
Despite making less than 5% of my income through this blog (some of you manage to find my eBook) I still spend more of my time on this site than any other that I own.
A nice addition here is a little bar in each thumbnail that shows how much time you've spent on each site.
Administrators can also define the length of time that each listing is visible on the site.
We have spent a huge amount of time enhancing our site with all sorts of travel tips, and that means users spend more time on the site searching.
Also, there are a large number of users who registered some time ago but hardly participate on the site.
Some scenarios are common to most ASP.NET developers, like putting together a community site, tracking time on a project, or creating a portal for your company.
I'll admit, though, that after spending some time on the beta site I was impressed.
If you're largely interacting, and spending less time on pages, you're visiting an interactive site.
But when you have many page views and that many people spending much time on the site, you can monetize it pretty easily just by putting matters on there.
Average time on the site was down 10%, from 5 minutes, 50 seconds to 5 minutes, 15 seconds.
Encourage repeat visits and increased time on the site by including Web 2.0 initiatives in your 2011 budget.
如果你希望鼓励访客回访网站,并让他们停留更长的时间,你需要在2011年预算中加入Web 2.0的实施计划。
Schroepfer noted that Facebook has 400 million users, over half of whom log in every day, and that Neilsen says that the time spent on site for Facebook is greater than for the next 6 sites combined.
If you'd like to learn more about the On Demand model spend some time going through the IBM On Demand Web site.
要想了解更多关于按需模型的内容,请浏览ibm OnDemandWeb站点。
If that can happen without the customer being on site with the team full-time, great.
If you're on time, you can resect the tumor (depending on the site) without even needing to remove the pancreas or any other organ.
The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called "Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation.
At the same time, WHO issued information on its public web site.
At the same time, WHO issued information on its public web site.