In general relativity, time is considered a dimension like height, width and depth, creating a four dimensional universe called space-time.
Perhaps the Internet isn't about freedom, an ethereal new dimension that overcomes the limitations of time and space.
也许互联网并不是自由的高地,它只是一种可以跨越时间和空间限制来连接你我的新维度。 也许它真的只是一个信息的集散地罢了。
Some businesses have already installed a rip in the space-time continuum in their break-room areas so that employees can report for work in the other dimension as soon as their Earth shifts end.
Plasma through the plane to medium vision with massive particles through path minkowski space plane path of the mathematical description of consistent, contain the space and time dimension.
Space is considered to be three-dimensional and time is thought of as the fourth dimension.
Some people believe, there is a portal in a way, if you are fast enough and you are literally space and time. you can actually enter a fourth dimension.
More probing a mental dimension beyond time and space.
The time-space dimension of cultural modernity.
In this sense, the fifth generation of filmmakers began to break past the time attached to literary and artistic narrative mode, opening up space in the narrative film narrative dimension.
A system is an organized structure of matter and energy existing in a dimension of time and space.
The four dimensions are the management key factor dimension, the management field dimension, the management space dimension and the management time dimension.
In phase space reconstruction of time sequences, the selection of embedding dimension is important.
Because the governing equations for compressible unsteady potential flow is hyperbolic, looking time dimension as space dimension in the same way is never appropriate.
The lifetime philosophy, the time economic, the time geography and the city time-space rationale are the main theories of the time dimension aspects.
As for the existence of space-time, curriculum is ongoing the shifting from "plan" to "extra-plan" dimension.
Numerical simulation test shows that the delay time and embedded space dimension given by chaos theory usually are not the best ones for load forecasting.
The space and time synchronization are realized through coordinate transformation and interpolation on time dimension;
Some empirical formulas of seismicity and fractal nature of time, space and source dimension are derived based on a simple hierarchy model of seismicity in this paper.
By phase space reconstruction, choosing the most suitable delay time and embedding dimension in order to embed time series which reflect the demanding into the phase space.
To solve the problem of determining time lag and dimension simultaneously, a new method of phase space analog prediction has been advanced with maximizing the historical forecast accuracy.
In "sad the Pacific Ocean", the etc. works "record of actual events and make up" in, clan and the life of individual meaning the dimension degree in time and space in spread out.
These virtual characters can get beyond space, time and life expectancy. The space of "virtual world" refers to the fourth dimension (4d) which is, however, different from "time" element in physics.
Therefore, it is possible to realize poly-dimension utilization of space-time resources within solar greenhouses by adopting rational crop planting system.
Qfwfq, the protean hero of Cosmicomics dexterously moving through time and space, solar systems and geological eras, takes on a new dimension in these tales.
The four-dimensional space-time of special relativity is augmented with a fifth dimension to take into account the gauge transformation of the electromagnetic potentials.
Based on the fractal theory and method, the reduction of dimension value before strong earthquake occurrence for self-similar earthquake distribution in time and space has been discussed.
It is formalism and the dimension unit of information speed, information acceleration, information field, space and time information speed and the social information speed and so on.
The distinguished feature of the present algorithm is its computation time and space independent of the dimension of the windows.
Evolutionary theory medicine tries to explain diseases and medical problems by applying evolutionary theory from four-dimension space-time. It studied diseases from viewpoint of species.
Evolutionary theory medicine tries to explain diseases and medical problems by applying evolutionary theory from four-dimension space-time. It studied diseases from viewpoint of species.