It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation.
For humans, including babies, light signals the time to awake and long, restful sleep occurs in the dark.
But when the real feeling in front of the TA, TA need time to awake, then open your heart to accept, it is ready to accept a relationship began.
Following the planned time will ensure you have enough sleep to get to those early classes and stay wide awake.
Enjoy a cup of coffee and a good book, and once awake, make time to work on the project of your choice.
That may mean sleeping right away or forcing yourself to stay awake – whatever the time change requires.
"It was very difficult to stay awake, extremely difficult," he said recalling his time on the overnight shift when he was usually the only one on duty.
The problem arises when you use stimulants to stay awake studying for long periods of time. You may have trouble digesting the information you need to absorb.
People who awake in the middle of the night from sleep apnea are unable to complete normal sleep cycles, a time when the body naturally lowers hormone levels and blood pressure.
In fact there is some evidence that in lucid dreams, at least, the perception of time in similar to that when the dreamer is awake.
People are better able to recall lists of related words and the connections between them after a night's sleep than after the same time spent awake during the day.
Rats that are kept awake die after two weeks, less time than it takes them to starve to death.
White as snow, red as blood, and black as ebony; this time the dwarfs will not be able to awake thee.
The period of time that you are awake adds to something called “sleep drive.
So Tyler can't take complete control, I need Marla to keep me awake. All the time.
Stretching the argument, perhaps; but an interesting thought to ponder next time you lie awake in a soulless box near the airport.
If you tend to feel awake most of the night, it may take a week or two on your new schedule to begin feeling naturally sleepy at the time you choose to go to bed.
In addition to keeping a prisoner awake, the simple act of remaining upright can over time cause significant pain.
I will lie in bed, awake, forever thinking and rethinking whatever happens to be on my mind at the time.
Staff kept them awake for the entire time, regularly asking them to assess how sleepy they felt.
You're being awake and attentive and putting your time to good use.
Large doses of carbs, sugar, and caffeine might keep you awake for a short time, but they will eventually lead to a "crash," and have the opposite effect.
Usually I go jogging four times a week, and I always go in the morning because for me it's the best time to exercise because it keeps me awake all day, but at the moment I don't do any other exercise.
Even if it takes a little while to fall back asleep, the restful time awake will help to balance and replenish your body.
To return to the normal sleep habits, the most important is to keep awake during the day, after period of time sleep habits can be adjusted to come here.
Then it's time for your alarm to go off, and you've been awake half the night.
Then it's time for your alarm to go off, and you've been awake half the night.