Take time to be aware – It is the opportunity to help others.
Take some time to be aware - it is the opportunity to help others.
Be mindful, this will enable you to be aware of when you are spinning your wheels, when you are spending too much time on unimportant things.
You'll often have to compromise on these ideals, but be aware and minimize time spent in half-cocked arm positions.
I became aware of the conference at about the time of the 2004 event, which happened to be the one where Flickr launched their public beta.
And instead, get my head out of the clouds (a place where I've spent quite a bit of time lately) to be grounded and aware of my thoughts.
Addicts are totally preoccupied with their addiction, but gardening helps them to open themselves up to the world and be aware, for the first time in a long while, of their surroundings.
God has reasons for everything He does, and I believe He wanted me to be more aware of His angels working on my behalf — something I honestly had not thought about for a long, long time.
You can also release the profile from time to time, but be aware of the consequences: it creates a checkpoint that prevents certain changes, that version cannot be deleted, and so on.
He also points out that the granularity of time measurements varies on different operating systems so benchmarking exercises need to be aware of this when interpreting the results.
You don’t need to spend every second of the day under a stopwatch, but be aware of when you waste time whether it is gossiping, surfing the Internet, or recapping the weekend for the third time.
Also be aware of any medical clearances you'll need to get, particularly for your pets. The time to obtain these can often be very lengthy.
And be aware that there have been further changes related to Daylight Savings Time since this Spring in New Zealand.
I've never been interested in interior design or architecture, but this book taught me how to be aware of why certain Spaces are pleasing - or not. I think about it all the time.
First, black holes may - as science fiction aficionados will be well aware - act as gateways to other regions of space and time.
If you're not aware of some of your weaknesses you may have a hard time improving but not be able to pinpoint why.
Be aware of the time commitment that will be necessary to achieve your goal.
But if you're looking to lose weight, be aware that it is actually possible to drink too much water, and you probably won't help matters any by drinking gallons at a time.
They warned related departments to be aware of the rising water level in rock-formed lakes, possible geological disasters and to evacuate people from risky sites in time.
Then I had to put down my pen. I began to be aware of that at this time, although I had emotions to write but had not the inspiration.
It is important to be aware that command execution may take a long time depending on the number of nodes participating in the application rollout.
Be aware that this processing behavior can lead to inaccurate intraday metrics. It is best to avoid using Google Analytics for real-time or intra-day reporting.
We can decide at any time to leave our gadgets behind and become aware of the sights and sounds around us in order to expand our awareness and be fully present in our bodies and our surroundings.
As you are probably aware, it can be time consuming to sync business people with the it team.
The men should be aware of the importance of spending more time with children. It is both women and men's duty to educate the kids.
You cannot expect thousands of importers to spend time and money to find you, You must come to Africa and let them be aware of you.
To minimize disagreements between siblings, make time to talk or play with the older child to let him be aware that he is loved and respected.
Luangpor stayed nearby all through my time of practice, he urged me to be continuously aware of the movements of the body.
Luangpor stayed nearby all through my time of practice, he urged me to be continuously aware of the movements of the body.