A circuit for taking out timing signal from one dynode of photomultiplier is described.
Timing board is responsible for information coding, information processing and generation of high precision timing signal.
In an embodiment, the system includes a first latch and a pulse generator coupled to provide a timing signal to the first latch.
So, the timing signal should be set cautiously with the aid of other measures such as adjusting the interval duration, propaganda of traffic safety and rules.
The kernel functions such as test signal storage, video timing signal generation and systems control signal generation are realized by field programmable gate array(FPGA).
It predicts that the best timing is when the conditioned stimulus, which is the signal, comes before the unconditioned stimulus, which is what you have to prepare for.
For instance, when a neutrino strikes the detector in Gran Sasso, that signal has to travel 8km through a waveguide before a timing measurement can be made.
By timing how long the signal takes to make the return trip, the instruments can determine differences in height.
This information normally exists in the form of signal amplitude (absolute or relative), frequency or spectral content, phase, or timing relationships with respect to other signals.
This information normally exists in the form of signal amplitude (absolute or relative) frequency or spectral content phase or timing relationships with respect to other signals.
FIG. 3 is a timing diagram that illustrates an example of a minimum pulse width in the DN output signal of a phase frequency detector, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
By forcing a timing reacquire, the front end block resets and "hunts" for a video signal, thus ensuring the speedy locking to a new video source.
Input signal of controller is solenoid valve lift. Control parameters are valve opening timing and valve open duration.
To accelerate and simplify mode detection, the ISL98003 integrates a sophisticated set of measurement tools that fully characterizes the video signal and timing, offloading the host microcontroller.
Two measuring methods of period-counting and timing break forward in order to practically solve the unsteadiness of the site signal.
A binary tree routing topology is designed for propagating the system clock and trigger signal and the accurate timing and synchronization between sensors are provided by CPLD.
The dynode signal generation principle is analyzed and its timing characteristic studied.
In this algorithm, the digital differential filtering (DDF) is used to process the sampled signals, the timing component of signal is improved, and therefore the convergence speed is quickened.
The real time measuring system of high speed rotating blade vibration, tip timing sensor, pulse signal sampling system and analysis processing of blade vibration signal are researched.
Timing correction serves to provide the decision device with signal samples with minimum intersymbol interference.
In this system the crankshaft rotating Angle, where the peak combustion pressure occurs, is taken to be a feed back signal, so that the ignition timing of the engine is able to be controlled.
These persistent registers are powered by a battery and receive a timing clock signal from a crystal oscillator.
The problems of backplane bus design, such as the driver, timing and signal integrate, have solved by using the GTL transceivers, phase adjustment of the clock and combined match techniques.
This allows you to compare timing of a number of channels to a common signal.
This paper studies the changing process and presents the on - line algorithm of signal timing of intersection under guidance information.
Finally, based on the recovered single user training signal, each user 'timing offset can be estimated.
A pulse-train generator using DIAC and single capacitance timing applied to the burst flashing signal lamp is proposed.
Congestion of urban traffic is mostly due to the problem of signal timing at intersections, which limits the full usage of roads.
Congestion of urban traffic is mostly due to the problem of signal timing at intersections, which limits the full usage of roads.