I got some inspiration for giving the same old speech when Tina Turner came to Little Rock for a concert.
There had been strong female role models in rock before, from Tina Turner to Janis Joplin, but no one had ever combined performance and poetry in such a visceral way.
And their records were going multi-platinum, no one had heard of this before... that was the 10 domain of Celine Dion and 11 Tina Turner and Phil Collins, it was, like, unheard of.
This 50th Grammy presentation featured performances by rising stars and veterans, often paired in duets. They included Tina Turner, who performed a medley of her hits with Beyonce.
Back in the '80s, Tina Turner sang "We don't Need Another Hero." the song probably plays in the mind of the audience when speakers brag about how much they've done and how great they are.
当一个演讲者自吹自擂的时候,听众的脑海里就会响起80年代Tina Turner的那首老歌:“我们不再需要英雄!”
Because if you know anything about Phil's career you'll know that he helped women, especially women of colour, achieve success, people like Tina Turner and Ronnie Spector [his second wife].
With “River Deep—Mountain High”, it had been worse: Tina sang, Phil Spector produced his waterfalls of sound, and Mr Turner was barred from the recording sessions.
“深深的溪流——高高的山脉”还要离谱:蒂娜为主唱,费尔•斯百科特(Phil Spector)制作瀑布的水流声音,而特纳竟被从录音现场给剔除了。
With “River Deep—Mountain High”, it had been worse: Tina sang, Phil Spector produced his waterfalls of sound, and Mr Turner was barred from the recording sessions.
“深深的溪流——高高的山脉”还要离谱:蒂娜为主唱,费尔•斯百科特(Phil Spector)制作瀑布的水流声音,而特纳竟被从录音现场给剔除了。