Dongguan city jingli can co, LTD. - she is a specialist of printed tinplate products in different specifications including round, square and special shapes meeting the customer standards.
For accurately fast cutting tinplate and aluminum in tempers normally associated with standard can making material.
Some self - made and simple instruments using tinplate cans that can be pulled open easily are presented.
The porosity of tinplate can be reduced by increasing the electricity of passivation, improving the current density of passivation in particular.
The passivation process for tinplate has been improved according to the modern passivation theory and satisfactory result has been achieved in its application in fruit and vegetables can.
这种改进了的 电镀锡板对于一些腐蚀性很强的果蔬罐头应用获得了抗蚀效果。
The passivation process for tinplate has been improved according to the modern passivation theory and satisfactory result has been achieved in its application in fruit and vegetables can.
这种改进了的 电镀锡板对于一些腐蚀性很强的果蔬罐头应用获得了抗蚀效果。